Version: (using KDE 4.0.83) Installed from: MS Windows Binaries OS: MS Windows I'm filing this as a bug because it is not the correct behavior for the platform (Windows (at least Windows XP)). The _user_ settings for KDE4 applications on Windows store to %drive%\%docsandsettings%\%user%\ instead of storing to ...\%user%\Application Data, which is where per-user application settings are stored on Windows. So, _my_ settings for Marble should be in C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Application Data\.marble\ but as-is it's stored to C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\.marble\ which isn't correct. Adding more paths in backup utilities, etc. just for the KDE4 stuff is kind of odd, rather than it just getting included with the rest of the Windows applications in Application Data. Thanks for reading, -DHG
I've a local fix and will commit it the next week. All data is then stored in C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Application Data\ Marble in qt-only mode needs some special work since they don't use kdelibs path handling then. Will have to take a deeper look there.
SVN commit 830204 by sengels: fix this for marble - as this function is used everywhere, this shouldn't lead to problems CCBUG: 165906 M +28 -2 MarbleDirs.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 833280 by chehrlic: save settings on windows in %APPDATA%/.kde instead %HOME%/.kde BUG: 165906 M +12 -1 kstandarddirs.cpp WebSVN link:
This problem still persists for me through the 4.1 stable release. Settings are saved to %userdir%\.kde\ instead of %userdir%\Application Data\.kde\ A bit later today I can try things in a fresh virtual machine to make certain, but on my main box here it still saves things to the "old" location. Cheers, -DHG
fixed in svnHead - will not be backported to 4.1 because this would mean that the users will loose their settings during minor version upgrade which isn't a good idea.
SVN commit 887303 by sengels: QDir::home is not the correct way for KDE on Windows CCBUG:165906 M +14 -0 coreengine.cpp WebSVN link: