Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources OS: Linux If under the mouse settings in the configuration tool you select double click to open files and folders, you can no longer open devices from the device notification plasmoid. Change it back to single click and it works again. For some reason this doesn't seem to respond to the double click. However the single/double click really doesn't make sense in this menu. You use double click settings because it makes it possible to actually select files and folders without acting on them where with this menu you really only want to open it or hover and click the eject button.
Having a double-click on a list seems really unintuitive to me. I see the popup list as I do a drop-down box which only requires one click, regardless of how you 'click' settings are. Can we set this popup to activate on single-click, regardless of your double-click settings? I can also confirm this bug as of a build two days ago.
actually, it used to manually respect single/double click settings (or at least tried to). i'm really neither here nor there on this issue as i find double click in general to be silly (with a very few notable exceptions). so i'll leave this one up to people who use double click at all to decide what to do with it. i'm fine either way, as long as -i- don't have to double click ;)
ok, i don't use doubleclick either so i'm biased, but i think double click in devicenotifier is a bit silly, you can't select items anuways, so what's the point? (would put to always single click and see the reaction) aaanyways, so this is a bug that occurs because listviews don't emit the activated signal? was it a kstyle issue if i recall a discussion about it? sooo, reassigning to kstyle?
The bug appeared in the last days... ( I now update to trunk every week on average) . It was working fine before 1 or 2 weeks...
On Monday 30 June 2008, Marco Martin wrote: [ quoted mail] no, kstyle is doing the right thing. in this case, we need to connect to the clicked rather than the activated signal. one liner fix, will do it right now.
SVN commit 826430 by aseigo: we don't care about single/double click differentiation here. BUG:165396 M +1 -1 devicenotifier.cpp WebSVN link: