Version: (using KDE 4.0.83) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages plasmoids should always appear from where the mouse was clicked, not top left corner, semi off screen, it makes it hard to see that it has appeared there and it wouldn't be the place I would expect them. I would expect them to appear where I right clicked the desktop or somewhere close too the toolbox from which I selected to new plasmoid.
Hint : click and drag the widgets where you want instead of clicking on the add_widget button.
anyway it's not normal that a plasmoid could go under another one. In the top left corner there's the folderview plasmoid, it means that when you try to move the just added plasmoid you have to be very careful to avoid opening a file or a directory. Not good at all. Maybe it could be possible to remove the 'Add widget' button and put an hint in the status bar «Drag & drop the plasmoids to add them to the desired containment»
It is confusing when the plasmoid appears in a place other than where the user clicked. In fact, it is worse than unintuitive: it is difficult to move if there already is another plasmoid in the upper right-hand corner.
Although plasmoids in KDE 4.3 do not appear where the mouse click was, I find that they place themselves well around other plasmoids. The problem with the plasmoids appearing under one another is gone. Although the request of this bug is not implemented, the problem that this bug tries to solve is solved. Can this bug be closed?
no fix for 4.2X then? :(
For 4.2, no. Aapgorilla, can you please test the KDE 4.3 implementation and tell us if it suites your needs. It does not put the plasmoid where the mouse click occured, but it arranges them in a very intuitive and efficient manner. This is important when adding multiple plasmoids, as with the method you suggest all the plasmoids would be stacked one on top of each other.
In desktopview it is good as it is now but in folderview (my prefered type) the behaviour is still as described in the initial bug report :( (kde4.2.95)
In KDE 4.3+ you actually have to drag the plasmoid out of the “add new plasmoid”-strip and it appears directly where you drop it.
Hello! This feature request was filed for KDE Plasma 4, which reached end-of-support status in August 2015. KDE Plasma 5's desktop shell has been almost completely rewritten for better performance and usability, so it is likely that this feature request is already implemented in Plasma 5, or is no longer applicable. Accordingly, we hope you understand why we must close this feature request. If the requested feature is still desired but not implemented in KDE Plasma 5.12 or later, please feel free to open a new ticket in the "plasmashell" product after reading If you would like to get involved in KDE's bug triaging effort so that future mass bug closes like this are less likely, please read Thanks for your understanding! Nate Graham