Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources If the panel height goes below a certain threshold, the buttons are laid out horizontally instead of vertically and they become quite big, taking up a lot of horizontal space. So you gain space on the desktop, but loose space on the panel. :( Ideas: - keep the vertical layout as much as possible - reduce the space between the button in vertical layout to be able to shrink the panel more - make it configurable to use horizontal/vertical layout - use smaller icons in horizontal layout (?)
can you specify your svn revision for kdebase please? thanks in advance! should have fixed it, revision 825115 If you have a more recent revision, can you also provide a screenshot please as well as plasma-appletsrc
Hi Anne-Marie In fact the author of the bug report talk about the (too big) size of the lock/logout icon in panel Lock logout take less space when panel is big -> lock Logout is vertically layouted than unfortunaly when panel is small -> lock logout horizontally layouted Since 4.1 lock/logout is horizontal by default. > - keep the vertical layout as much as possible > - reduce the space between the button in vertical layout to be able to shrink the panel more dont know if it is possible ?! We already have : m_layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); m_layout->setSpacing(0); is there other things than we can use to reduce the space ? > - make it configurable to use horizontal/vertical layout if i understand well what we have talked on mailing list lock logout will let user to have more actions if he wants, don't know if we should add this too for 4.2 > - use smaller icons in horizontal layout (?) For me this is a generic problem with the size of icons in the panel. Reduce the size only for this applet will not be very consistent in my opinion and we damned all knows that users want consistencies :D (they are right). We have already talked about that in the desktop (the generic problem, no specifically for lock-logout) The idea is to have something like this I just quote Aaron since he has explain this very well : > i think this is really up to the Containment, in this case the Panel, to > provide some mechanism for varying the size of select applets. perhaps > something like zones of differing height. > sebas and alexis have both working on graphics items groupers that might be > applicable in such situations.
Created attachment 29168 [details] It is the same with vertical panels : you get an enormous lock/logout applet
With a full sentence : you get the same annoying problem with vertical panel : an enormous lock/logout applet !
This buttons size is really bad for when using KDE in a small form device. Can't we return to the good and old bahavior of KDE3 - always put two rows when panel space if at least X pixels? You see, the workplaces areas do that, why the lock/logout buttons can't? And aren't we using SVG to turn those kind of resize possible? Here is current situation: Here is ideal solution:
The same problem occurs when you have a vertical panel, except that you end up with huge vertical lock/logout buttons instead of huge horizontal ones. You also cannot get the icons lay out the long way (horizontally on a horizontal panel and vertically on a vertical panel) if your panel is too wide. So I think the optimal solution is to have an option, with the default being "auto", but also have two other options, "Wide" and "Narrow". That way, if you move a panel from the bottom or top of the screen to one of the sides, it will keep the same orientation relative to the panel, and not the same orientation relative to the screen.
this is fixed on kde 4.2.1 , now see :
What specifically was changed? I still seem to be having problems in KDE 4.2.1. Also, the link to the picture doesn't work.