Bug 165107 - Unable to fully retrieve emails from Gmail over Imap
Summary: Unable to fully retrieve emails from Gmail over Imap
Alias: None
Product: kmail
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: IMAP (show other bugs)
Version: 1.9.52
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
Keywords: triaged
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Reported: 2008-06-27 14:28 UTC by Bruno Miguel
Modified: 2018-09-04 18:16 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Bruno Miguel 2008-06-27 14:28:41 UTC
Version:           1.9.52 (using 4.00.83 (KDE 4.0.83 (KDE 4.1 Beta2), Kubuntu packages)
Compiler:          gcc
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.24-19-386

I'm using Kmail 1.9.52 with a Gmail account configured. I'm trying to access it over Imap, but sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn't. And when it connects, sometimes the connection breaks and I have to retry.
When I finally was able to retrieve my emails, I read them and I closed Kmail. Then, when I executed the application again, it started to retrieve the headers all over again.

With a disconnected imap account, it stops retrieving the emails at 33%.

I don't have the debug version, but I can leave the information that appears when I run Kmail from Konsole:

kmail(6394) KMail::lockOrDie: oldPid= -1
kmail(6394) KMKernel::KMKernel:         
kmail(6394) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().                                                
kmail(6394) KMKernel::init: foldersPath (from config): "/home/brunomiguel/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail"                                        
kmail(6394) KMKernel::identityManager:                                 
kmail(6394) KMFilterMgr::KMFilterMgr: pPopFilter set                   
kmail(6394) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
kmail(6394) KMailApplication::newInstance:
kmail(6394) KMKernel::openReader:
brunomiguel@lunix-bruno:~$ kmail(6394) KMail::Vacation::Vacation: Vacation: found url " "" "
kmail(6394) KMail::AccountManager::processNextCheck: processNextCheck,remaining 1
kmail(6394) KMail::NetworkAccount::mailCheckCanProceed: for host "imap.gmail.com" current connections= 0 and limit is 0
kmail(6394) KMail::NetworkAccount::mailCheckCanProceed: connection limit reached: false
kmail(6394) KMail::AccountManager::processNextCheck: processing next mail check for "Gmail.com"
kmail(6394) KMail::NetworkAccount::setCheckingMail: check mail started- connections for host "imap.gmail.com" now is 1
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::listNamespaces: listNamespaces ("inbox")
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::listNamespaces: listNamespaces ()
kmail(6394) KMail::ImapAccountBase::slotCapabilitiesResult: capabilities: ("imap4rev1", "unselect", "idle", "namespace", "quota", "xlist", "children", "xyzzy")
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::serverSyncInternal: Setting test attribute on folder: "Gmail.com/[Gmail]"
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::serverSyncInternal: Setting test attribute to KUrl("imaps://brunoalexandremiguel%40gmail.com@imap.gmail.com:993/[Gmail]/")
kmail(6394) KMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiSetAnnotationJob::slotStart:  setting annotation "/vendor/kolab/folder-test" "value.shared" "true"
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::slotTestAnnotationResult: Test Annotation was not passed, disabling annotation support
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::reloadUidMap: Reloading Uid Map
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::slotGetMessagesData: Resizing to: 16409
kmail(6394) KMFolderCachedImap::slotGetMessagesData: Resizing to: 65537
Comment 1 Thomas McGuire 2008-07-03 16:46:30 UTC
I also use GMail over IMAP, and it works fine for me.
Have you got network problems?
When you say "sometimes it doesn't connect", do you get error messages?
Comment 2 Bruno Miguel 2008-07-03 16:55:36 UTC
No network problems. Everything network related is working fine.

When I say it doesn't connect, I mean it doesn't retrieve the emails, although I have a perfectly working internet access.
Comment 3 Sergey Stolyarov 2008-07-04 18:29:28 UTC
I can confirm bug.

KMail is stopping working on some GMail IMAP folders. Also often it shows incorrect mail download progress (like "-1%") and doesn't open folder. If I click button “show detailed progress window” it open box with labels “Checking account: XXXXX.com” and “XXXXX.com/folder-name completed” but progress bar shows something like ”59%” and doesn't change. I have to restart KMail to access those folders.

KMail 1.9.9 on KDE 3.5.9
Debian Lenny
Comment 4 Martin Fitzpatrick 2009-04-04 17:06:32 UTC
Confirm this behaviour on 4.2.2 (Kubuntu). It appears to be related to the sheer number of folders that you have in Google IMAP due to the labels being in the root. If you right-click all the labels and choose properties, and uncheck 'include in mail check..' and 'act on...' it resolves the problem for me, at least insofar as the Inbox.
Comment 5 Björn Ruberg 2010-01-27 23:42:33 UTC
Can you recheck again? Several Gmail bugs and IMAP bugs have been since KDE 4.2.2
Comment 6 Andrew Crouthamel 2018-09-04 18:16:02 UTC
Hello! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this version of Kmail has been unmaintained for many years so I am closing this bug. Please try using the latest version of Kmail to see if your issue persists. If it does, please submit a new bug in "kmail2". Thank you!