Version: SVN After beta 2 (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources When using the systemtray plasmoid on the desktop, the icons are not shown when the dashboard view is turned on (only the background of the plasmoid is shown). I uploaded two screenshots. Hope it helps! By the way, you plasma guys rock! And all KDE developers too. Hope I become one for 4.2! And I completely support you Aaron! Keep rocking...
Created attachment 25643 [details] No dashboard view
Created attachment 25644 [details] Dashboard view turned on
I'm experiencing the same problem. / Joakim
That's because the systray-icons are actual real programs just like e.g. Kopete or KWord is. So, from a technical point-of-view it is correct that they are not displayed but imho from a usage point-of-view it is not (though I am not sure if/how to do that technical, hmmmm... special case them doesn't sound like a good idea at all imho).
The system tray is one giant special case anyway :-P. _Some_ sort of special case is required here, even if it's to disallow system trays on the desktop. I think this is a legitimate use case though. On my EeePC's with 800x480, I like to run everything fullscreen. On KDE3, I have to keep a clear desktop which I can switch to, to check my system tray (battery level, network manager). A major attraction of KDE4 is to use the dashboard instead, but I will still have to use the same systray icons: KDE3 knetworkmanager and gnome-power-manager.
A fix is available and will likely make it into trunk before 4.2.
Works in trunk