Version: Plasma Workspace: 0.1 (using KDE 4.0.83) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Compiler: gcc (GCC) 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7) OS: Linux I'm on a triple session : KDE3.5, KDE4, KDE-neon I'll try an `sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude upgrade` update the thread if next. Here is the log from konsole: $ plasma <unknown program name>(29806)/ checkComposite: Plasma has an argb visual 0x8059dd8 23068673 <unknown program name>(29806)/ checkComposite: Plasma is COMPOSITE-less on 0x805a9e8 plasma(29807) PlasmaApp::PlasmaApp: Setting the pixmap cache size to 10353 kilobytes plasma(29807)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/lyhana8/.kde-neon/var/tmp/kdecache-lyhana8/ksycoca4" plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning non- horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(11286, -44) plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning non- horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(11286, -44) plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? true plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -44) plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -44) plasma(29807) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 15 !!!!!! plasma(29807) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 2 !!!!!! plasma(29807) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL plasma(29807) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning non- horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(11286, -44) plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? true plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -126) plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -126) plasma(29807) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 15 !!!!!! plasma(29807) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 2 !!!!!! plasma(29807) Battery::Battery: Loading applet battery plasma(29807) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL plasma(29807) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL QGraphicsItem::installSceneEventFilter: event filters can only be installed on items in a scene. plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Corona::Private::addContainment: loading of containment "" failed. findServiceByDesktopPath: not found plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::Applet::Private::init: Check your constructor! You probaly want to be passing a Service::Ptr or a QVariantList with a valid storageid as arg[0] in. plasma(29807): ""geometry" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRectF failed" plasma(29807) DefaultDesktop::updateBackground: Setting wallpaper to default "/opt/kde-nightly/share/wallpapers/EOS/contents/images/1280x800.jpg" plasma(29807)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::KDirWatchPrivate: Available methods: ("Stat", "INotify") plasma(29807) Clock::init: showTimezone: false plasma(29807)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::instance: instance(): ... initialised plasma(29807)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readConfig: readConfig(): local zone= "Europe/Paris" plasma(29807)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readZoneTab: readZoneTab( "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" ) plasma(29807) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 32 !!!!!! plasma(29807) PlasmaApp::createView: Containment name: "Panel" | type 1 | screen: 0 | geometry: QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) | zValue: 150 plasma(29807)/libplasma Plasma::View::Private::updateSceneRect: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! setting the scene rect to QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) associated screen is 0 plasma(29807) PanelView::PanelView: Panel geometry is QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) plasma(29807) PanelView::updateStruts: screen l/r/b/t offsets are: 0 0 0 0 plasma(29807) PanelView::updateStruts: screen l/r/b/t offsets are: 0 0 0 0 plasma(29807) PanelView::updateStruts: screen l/r/b/t offsets are: 0 0 0 0 plasma(29807) Battery::init: BatterySource: "Battery0" plasma(29807) Battery::init: BatterySource: "Battery1" plasma(29807) Battery::init: BatterySource: "Battery2" plasma(29807) Battery::init: 3 QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal: received error from D-Bus server while connecting signal to Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::slotPropertyModified(int,QList<ChangeDescription>): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded (Connection ":1.12176" is not allowed to add more match rules (increase limits in configuration file if required)) ASSERT: "false" in file qdbusintegrator.cpp, line 1840 Plasma crashed, attempting to automatically recover plasma(29806): Communication problem with "plasma" , it probably crashed. Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" " KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2 KCrash: Application Name = plasma path = <unknown> pid = 29807 sock_file=/home/lyhana8/.kde-neon/socket-lyhana8/kdeinit4__0 <unknown program name>(29814)/ checkComposite: Plasma has an argb visual 0x8059dd8 23068673 <unknown program name>(29814)/ checkComposite: Plasma is COMPOSITE-less on 0x805a9e8 lyhana8@lyhana8:~$ plasma(29816) PlasmaApp::PlasmaApp: Setting the pixmap cache size to 10353 kilobytes plasma(29816)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/lyhana8/.kde-neon/var/tmp/kdecache-lyhana8/ksycoca4" plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning non- horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(11286, -44) plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning non- horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(11286, -44) plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? true plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -44) plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -44) plasma(29816) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 15 !!!!!! plasma(29816) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 2 !!!!!! plasma(29816) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL plasma(29816) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning non- horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(11286, -44) plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? true plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -126) plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: positioning horizontal panel; forced? false plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Containment::Private::positionPanel: moved to QPointF(0, -126) plasma(29816) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 15 !!!!!! plasma(29816) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 2 !!!!!! plasma(29816) Battery::Battery: Loading applet battery plasma(29816) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL plasma(29816) SystemTray::updateWidgetGeometry: Problem view is NULL QGraphicsItem::installSceneEventFilter: event filters can only be installed on items in a scene. plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Corona::Private::addContainment: loading of containment "" failed. findServiceByDesktopPath: not found plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::Applet::Private::init: Check your constructor! You probaly want to be passing a Service::Ptr or a QVariantList with a valid storageid as arg[0] in. plasma(29816): ""geometry" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRectF failed" plasma(29816) DefaultDesktop::updateBackground: Setting wallpaper to default "/opt/kde-nightly/share/wallpapers/EOS/contents/images/1280x800.jpg" plasma(29816)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::KDirWatchPrivate: Available methods: ("Stat", "INotify") plasma(29816) Clock::init: showTimezone: false plasma(29816)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::instance: instance(): ... initialised plasma(29816)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readConfig: readConfig(): local zone= "Europe/Paris" plasma(29816)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readZoneTab: readZoneTab( "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" ) plasma(29816) Panel::constraintsEvent: constraints updated with 32 !!!!!! plasma(29816) PlasmaApp::createView: Containment name: "Panel" | type 1 | screen: 0 | geometry: QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) | zValue: 150 plasma(29816)/libplasma Plasma::View::Private::updateSceneRect: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! setting the scene rect to QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) associated screen is 0 plasma(29816) PanelView::PanelView: Panel geometry is QRectF(0,-44 1280x38) plasma(29816) PanelView::updateStruts: screen l/r/b/t offsets are: 0 0 0 0 plasma(29816) PanelView::updateStruts: screen l/r/b/t offsets are: 0 0 0 0 plasma(29816) PanelView::updateStruts: screen l/r/b/t offsets are: 0 0 0 0 plasma(29816) Battery::init: BatterySource: "Battery0" plasma(29816) Battery::init: BatterySource: "Battery1" plasma(29816) Battery::init: BatterySource: "Battery2" plasma(29816) Battery::init: 3 QDBusConnectionPrivate::connectSignal: received error from D-Bus server while connecting signal to Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice::slotPropertyModified(int,QList<ChangeDescription>): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded (Connection ":1.12177" is not allowed to add more match rules (increase limits in configuration file if required)) ASSERT: "false" in file qdbusintegrator.cpp, line 1840 plasma(29814): Communication problem with "plasma" , it probably crashed. Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "
No change afet upgrade nor reinstall of plasma but some systray icone appear in independant windows
you probably have some old applets around compiled against a different version of libplasma, which has seen a number of binary incompatible changes leading up to 4.1.0. please provide a backtrace of the crash (not what appears on console) so i can be sure of the above diagnosis.
And, before sending the backtrace, be sure that you've the "debug symbols" installed. You'll find the instructions on this page:
no backtrace needed since the error-message at the assert says already everything. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 163649 ***