Version: 1.0.99 (using 4.00.84 (KDE 4.0.84 (KDE 4.1 >= 20080625), Gentoo) Compiler: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.25-gentoo-r4 Due to some recent kopete bugs, I've reverted to pidgin, but every time I get a message the pager panel and the system tray do nuts: they start to quickly resize from one dimension to another(it varies just between 2 sizes) and it doesn't stop until I close the conversation window. I wish I could be more descriptive...
Also noted: this happens also when I open xchat, and goes on and on. But is stops if I click it's little icon and make the item in task manager dissapear
same with sonata(also a gtk program) and also the resize-ing stops when it's not present in task manager and only in System Tray widget
the layout of the applets in the panel is the default? the size of the panel? does this happens regardless on how many tasks are open?
the layout is the default one. The size is about 80% of screen's width. As a matter of fact happens only if the taskbar is full. If I open either pidgin or xchat on a desktop with no items in taskbar everything is ok. Furthermore after that I can bring that program to a desktop with a full taskbar and everything is ok
SVN commit 825224 by mart: don't allow the pager to be automatically resized in the panel, it could drive to infinite auto resizing loops also don't use hardcoded measures but taken from KIconLoader BUG: 164972 M +14 -3 pager.cpp WebSVN link:
you guys are the coolest should you also solve 164124 you'll be my heroes!