Bug 164899 - Printing truncates content
Summary: Printing truncates content
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: khtml printing (show other bugs)
Version: SVN
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-06-25 09:09 UTC by Alan Braslau
Modified: 2011-03-27 18:28 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 4.6.2
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Alan Braslau 2008-06-25 09:09:36 UTC
Version:           unknown (using 4.00.82 (KDE 4.0.82 >= 20080610), Debian packages)
Compiler:          cc
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.25

When printing messages (to a file, pdf or ps), blocks of text are truncated. It appears to me that this corresponds to page bottoms, as if the page length is incorrectly taken into account. I have tried modifying the page margins, with surprising results. For example, setting very wide margins, resulting in a very narrow printed page, does not increase the number of printed pages and just truncates the message at each page bottom. A 5 printed page message remains 5 printed pages, no matter what margins are set.

I do not know if this is kmail or another kde component that handles printing.
Comment 1 Thomas McGuire 2008-07-03 17:17:40 UTC
KMail's printing is done via KHTML, and I could reproduce the same weird behaviour in Konqueror, so I assume it is a KHTML bug.

Reassigning to KHTML.
Comment 2 Bruce Miller 2009-02-24 04:41:15 UTC
I have a similar longstanding problem with printing from Kubuntu to an ancient HP LaserJet 4L. The top 1.75 lines of all pages of any KDE application are truncated, whether printed to paper or to a PDF file. I have tested the same documents repeatedly with kate/gedit and Firefox/Konqueror with the same results that the documents print well with the Gnome printer engine and with consistent truncation in the KDE print engine.

The problem has persisted from a late beta of KDE 4.00 through the Kubuntu "project-neon" (KDE 4.2.63 ( => "KDE 4.3"). My apologies for not having reported this sooner. I was certain that I had already filed a bug on this database but do not find it. Please see my bug on the Ku/Ubuntu Launchpad database: Bug # 284730 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/284730)
Comment 3 Mark Rose 2009-05-09 00:29:27 UTC
This allows applies to Kate. It should be re-assigned.
Comment 4 Mark Rose 2009-05-09 00:31:11 UTC
Also, if printing in Kate, and I specify margins, the margins are adjusted. It's almost like the printing subsystem isn't picking up that I have letter sized paper and not A4, unless I specify a different margin.
Comment 5 jim phelps 2009-10-06 06:55:05 UTC
I just encountered this bug in Fedora 10, KDE 4.1.2 when attempting to use KWrite to print a multi-page
text file to an EPSON C-62 ink-jet printer using CUPS.

In my case, using KWrite and printer defaults, the last line of text, along with the footer are not
printed on each page. That is, when printing a test text file consisting of 69 lines, the header and
52 lines are printed on page 1 (using default monospace/Regular/10pt font). Page two begins
with the header and line 54 (line 53 is missing). No footer is printed on any page.

If I do Ctrl/P->'Printer Properties', and set top and bottom margins,
the printing can be corrected, but these settings are not retained between printings.

If I go to Administration->printing->printer->properties I can set margins
that are preserved, but the bottom margin is ignored. I set it to 100 points
and the last line (52) is still printed at the very bottom of the page and line 53
and footers are missing.

The CUPS printer Test page (Administration->printing->printer->properties->Print Test)
appears to print correctly.
Comment 6 Allan Sandfeld 2011-03-27 18:28:57 UTC
Fixed in khtml in KDE/4.6 and master