Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources remove this icon: be informative when asking steps. KMenu -> d&d konq to panel -> RMB on konq icon at panel -> "remove this icon" this is not very informative. Please change it to "remove konq. icon".
Why should it be informative ? If you *explicitely* right click on this *specific* icon, isn't it to remove *this* icon ? (not the one left of it nor right of it but *this* icon)
> Why should it be informative ? Because it is _always_ better to be informative. Especially in this case when cost (screen space) is something like 5 letters more. > If you *explicitely* right click on this *specific* icon I cannot be sure because there is no visual feedback of the click, it could be close to icon boundaries, it can be my hand is shaking (handicapped people), it can be my mouse is not 100% precise. General principle: talk to user. Assure user about his/her decision. Do not force user to guess. "KDE4 Target Users Berna: I want to feel safe" It is hard to feel safe when you have to answer ambiguous questions. KDE4 should be safe environment, this case is in our reach. Why not to increase level of "social" security?
PS. This is done for plasmoids already, so why not for app icons?
Maciej is right here, but it's not an easy problem to solve in this case.
Hello! This feature request was filed for KDE Plasma 4, which reached end-of-support status in August 2015. KDE Plasma 5's desktop shell has been almost completely rewritten for better performance and usability, so it is likely that this feature request is already implemented in Plasma 5, or is no longer applicable. Accordingly, we hope you understand why we must close this feature request. If the requested feature is still desired but not implemented in KDE Plasma 5.12 or later, please feel free to open a new ticket in the "plasmashell" product after reading If you would like to get involved in KDE's bug triaging effort so that future mass bug closes like this are less likely, please read Thanks for your understanding! Nate Graham