Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Two minor things concerning the application launcher: - (Bug) The top left user picture does not preserve the aspect ratio of the image used. - (Wish) The top user name is just the login and not the full name. In the logout dialog the format is "<full name> (<login>)" and that's what I'd expect in the application launcher, too. Further, the substring "User" is not really required and should be removed. The resulting string for the application launcher would be "<full name> (<login>) on <machine>".
Actually the string "user" cannot be removed for 4.1 because of string freeze. Anyway the fullname could be printed simply using fullName() instead of loginName() (this can be done).
Still present in 4.0.98.
SVN commit 843713 by alexmerry: Display the user's full name if it is available. CCBUG: 164552 M +9 -1 launcher.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 843717 by alexmerry: Backport fix: don't scale user's image. CCBUG: 164552 M +1 -1 searchbar.cpp WebSVN link:
The trunk aspect ratio fix didn't appear. For the minor wish part, we now do "Full Name (login) on host" if the full name is available, and the old behaviour otherwise. That's trunk only.