Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources OS: Linux 1) add a folder view 2) go to the config dialog 3) select "show a custom folder" 4) empty the "custom folder" field 5) press OK button First bug: You'll prompted with a "Malformed URL" error, and the config dialog will be closed 6) reopen the config dialog 7) press OK Second bug: You'll not be prompted again. Quick fix: if (url.isEmpty()) { url = KUrl("desktop:/"); ui.showDesktopFolder->setChecked(true); ui.showCustomFolder->setChecked(false); ui.selectLabel->setEnabled(false); ui.lineEdit->setEnabled(false); }
Created attachment 25409 [details] patch I've tested it and it works perfectly. If you (@devs) agree I can commit it.
the patch looks good, except: the default url should be KUrl(QDir::homePath()) and it shouldn't default to the desktop directory. that keeps it consistent with the initial state of a new folderview: it views your home directory. so url = KUrl(QDir::homePath()); and invert all the bools and it's good to commit =) thanks for the patch!
(hmm.. i also wonder if url.isValid() would also be a useful check?)
I've tried to test isValid(), but it always return TRUE. KUrlRequester throw an error: "URL cannot be listed", but nothing else happen. In the meantime I've added the "isempty()" check, later I'll try to understand how to check if the url inserted is a valid one.
SVN commit 821481 by finex: Configuration dialog: check if the url isEmpty(). BUG: 164305 M +3 -0 folderview.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 821591 by finex: Configuration dialog: if the url is local check if it exist. CCBUG: 164305 M +1 -1 folderview.cpp WebSVN link: