Version: (using KDE 4.0.82) Installed from: KDE4Daily configurable elements of the clock -- theme independent Currently the clock is 100% theme dependant. But it would be useful if this relation would reflect only the initial look and later user could configure (no matter what theme is used): * show the digits * show the 12,3,6,9 digits * show the marks * show the 12,3,6,9 marks Those elements could be theme independent -> thus configurable.
i'm not in favour of this at all: too many config boxes to click through, removes control from the themer ... i'd rather see the possibility to override the current clock face with one from another theme...
True, but the problem is that the color would not match. That's why those elements could be useful to add/remove, and only those elements.
We've got enough clocks, and the digital clock (at least) respects system setting's settings (Date & Times in the Regional & Language module).