Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Simply watch the "bugcast", it worth better than million words :)
Another bugcast :) (it's different from the first)
When you have the "grey border stay" problem and you lock the widgets the borders stay till you move over them again. Couldn't "lock widgets" call a hide all grey borders (just to clean up the widgets IF there is still one grey border left).
i appreciate the time you took to make these. however, this is really not the way to report bugs. here's why: * it covers several different issues; each report should cover exactly one * both the subject and the text of the report are not useful, making it impossible to search for this bug report or match it up with others * to actually understand the problems, one has to download and watch the entire video fortunately, every bug in there is already reported. so i'm closing this particular report.