Version: 1.9.51 (using Devel) Compiler: gcc 4.3 OS: Linux If I send a message with a certain identity different from the default one, and re#send this message later by "Send again", the second messages gets the default identity rather than the identity the original message was sent. For reproducing - I use two identities with the same mail address, but the non-default one of them uses a different Reply-to address, which I expected to be used repeatetely on "Send again" on the same message. It's the same whether the original identity at this moment of using "Send again" still exists or not, because there could be used the original headers resulting from a certain identity, couldn't they? This or some similar bug occured already a long time ago in KDE3 (#44532), but it is not a duplicate, because it is declared RESOLVED there.
Confirmed, will commit a fix as soon as the beta2 tag freeze is over.
SVN commit 822036 by tmcguire: Determine the identity before we remove the identity header fields, otherwise it won't work. BUG: 163725 M +8 -3 kmcommands.cpp WebSVN link: