Version: KDE 4.0.81 >= 20080527 (using 4.00.81 (KDE 4.0.81 >= 20080527), compiled sources) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.24-18-generic When i select the 'show "delete" command' in Dolphin, this options does not affect the context menu of the folder-view widget.
Yes, I was about to report this too. Using KDE 4.0.82.
Jup! A really annoying problem, especially if you dont use the trash in KDE4. Really uncomfortable, if you always have to open the Filemanager to delete a file in folderview.
SVN commit 843259 by alexmerry: Honour Dolphin's "Show delete command" option in folderview. BUG: 163701 M +9 -0 folderview.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 844041 by alexmerry: Backport fix: respect the ShowDeleteCommand option, as set in Dolphin/Konqueror. CCBUG: 163701 M +6 -0 folderview.cpp WebSVN link: