Bug 163328 - KRunner opens local filesystems URLs in Konqueror instead of Dolphin or assigned application
Summary: KRunner opens local filesystems URLs in Konqueror instead of Dolphin or assig...
Alias: None
Product: krunner
Classification: Plasma
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
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Reported: 2008-06-06 02:05 UTC by Elias Probst
Modified: 2008-10-22 18:03 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Elias Probst 2008-06-06 02:05:44 UTC
Version:           SVN r817404 (using Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

If you enter a local URL (~/, /etc, /home/user, etc.) into krunner, it is opened using Konqueror instead of the application, which is assigned to directory/inode like Dolphin.

This was already mentioned in bug 51474 but the bug was opened and already closed for another reason, so this bug should be used now to track this issue.

Several bugs are 'waiting' for KToolInvocation::invokeFileManager(QString), which will be provided in KDE 4.2 as stated by 'aseigo' on #plasma:

01:42:37 < eliasp> aseigo: do you know, whether there are any plans to provide
                   KToolInvocation::invokeFileManager() as you wrote here:
01:43:09 < eliasp> could also be handy for bug 161384
01:43:36 < eliasp> and just discovered another one, where it might be handy...                 
                   entering ~/ or /etc or another local URL into krunner starts
01:44:25 <@aseigo> eliasp: yeah, i plan on that in 4.2. i'm going to also add
                   an entry for that to the Default Applications control panel,
                   and then hook those two things together
01:45:03 <@aseigo> eliasp: that's the main reason i haven't done the
                   KToolInvocation thing yet
01:45:39 < eliasp> aseigo: nice to hear... so this bugs shouldn't be solved yet
                   using a temporary workaround.. just wait, until kdelibs 
                   provides this in 4.2 ..
Comment 1 Dmitry Suzdalev 2008-10-22 18:03:36 UTC
Not reproducible in trunk (4.2) - folders are correctly opened in dolphin