Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources OS: Linux on my system (core 2 duo, 2000Mhz) plasma takes about 30-33% of cpu (without scaling the speed, but keeping it at max) for ALL THE TIME. Never decreases. Am using widgets for: trash bin battery logout/lock screen clock sistray reduce to icon all the windows kate sessions standard kde menu devices plugged in
Can you: - state the revision number of trunk if you build trunk or the KDE version if other (beta 1, 4.0.4, ...) - indicate what widgets you use in panel, which ones on desktop - remove them all and report CPU - add them one by one and report CPU (indicate for ex: trash Desktop CPU=NN Battery panel CPU=NN and so on) Thanks in advance!
@Anne-Marie: I confirm what Salvo said. simply moving/resize a window/plasmoid increase the CPU usage of plasma to 30-40% (and X use more than 30-40% of CPU too). When the system is idle plasma use is less than 5%. I've done a test using the default plasma settings plus the clock. I've started only one konsole (with top) for this simple test. Removing the clock decrease the plasma use of CPU about of 20%. Doing the same test without the clock applet I've had at most a CPU usage of 10-20% (of plasma), while xorg (and kwin) when moving/resizing window/plasmoid still use more than 30-40%. I'm using "nvidia" drivers and twinview. Revision is 816130.
FiNeX: it's the analog clock? it's in the panel? square applets had these problem in the past when in the panel maybe there is still some problem if it's the analog clack, is the seconds hand shown?
FiNeX I thought this report meant all the time, not only when moving or resizing. I was thinking about some CPU usage we recently fixed. Salvo can you precise if plasma CPU usage is high all the time or if it's only when moving and resizing. If it's all the time, please answer the questions above. If it's only like FiNeX said, then I think there's already a bug report for it.
It is ALL THE TIME. CPU usage is never under 30% I did what you asked and looks like the widget "Minimize All" is the one to blame for the high CPU usage. The problem occurs if i add it to the bottom bar, but not if i add it to the desktop. In the 2nd case CPU usage is normal.
Salvo: ok, understood the problem,it was fixed in svn some days ago :)
I am not compiling it by myself, sorry..
@Marco: I refer to the analog clock, the one you can add on the desktop. What do you mean with "seconds hand" ? @Anne-Marie: what is the number of that report ? Thanks @all :-)
@FiNeX: the thing that is enabled by checking show seconds in the config dialogs (it causes more frequent updates from the dataengine and more frequent paints). but if it's a problem that mostly occurs when the clock is scaled the problem it's probably something else, like the shape not being the default or the svg being more complex than the other ones
I can confirm that when adding the minimize-all widget, plasma starts running on +50% of the cpu. I can reproduce it on two fedora installations. Removing the minimize-all button puts the cpu usage normal again ... - Gerwin
too fast, I will check out the svn first :)
Same here with 4.0.80 (debian experimental packages) "the minimize all" plasmoid takes someting like 50%CPU for plasma and 50% for xorg.