Bug 163099 - Dragonplayer starts with a minimal window size
Summary: Dragonplayer starts with a minimal window size
Alias: None
Product: dragonplayer
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.0.x
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Fabio Locati
: 164643 179368 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-06-03 00:03 UTC by Christian Nitschkowski
Modified: 2009-02-05 00:48 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
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Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Christian Nitschkowski 2008-06-03 00:03:16 UTC
Version:            (using Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources
OS:                Linux

When starting dragonplayer it always has the same size.
You have to resize it every time it's opened with a new video file.
It should resize to the video's resolution or something smaller that fits on the desktop if the video has a too high resolution for the desktop.
Comment 1 Fabio Locati 2008-06-03 00:53:50 UTC
Comment 2 David Edmundson 2008-06-05 02:37:16 UTC
First step is we need a function to get the media size.

we need to use:
xine_get_stream_info(xine_stream_t *stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_WIDTH )
xine_get_stream_info(xine_stream_t *stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_HEIGHT )

Again it will be better to implement this in Phonon, as a function of MediaObject, that returns a QSize of the media. A library change means this won't get in till 4.2. I'll try and get on IRC and ask someone in Phonon.

Should it be in phonon? Should we hack it into this release of Dragon using xine calls? Discuss.
Comment 3 Christophe Marin 2008-06-22 12:48:34 UTC
*** Bug 164643 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 David Edmundson 2008-06-26 22:32:44 UTC
NOTE: may sometime appear not fixed as if you have open a file that you opened before the fix there will be an entry in your config file specifying the minimal window size as the size to open at.
Comment 5 Georg Wittenburg 2009-01-04 22:06:15 UTC
I'm still seeing this in 4.1.86 (using unofficial Debian packages from kde42.debian.net at version 4:4.1.86+svn901128-0r1). An additional report is at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=179368.

Is this actually fixed in 4.2 or left for 4.3?

Surprisingly, amarok is mentioned prominently in the debugging output:

georg@vaio:~/Media/TODO/Stuff$ dragon -v
Qt: 4.4.3
KDE: 4.1.86 (KDE 4.1.86 (KDE 4.2 >= 20081221))
Dragon Player: 2.0
georg@vaio:~/Media/TODO/Stuff$ dragon --debug Ameriquest\ -\ Don\'t\ Judge\ To\ Quickly\ 1.wmv                                                                  
amarok: BEGIN: Codeine::MainWindow::MainWindow()                                
amarok: BEGIN: Codeine::VideoWindow::VideoWindow(QWidget*)                      
dragonplayer(11436) Phonon::KdePlatformPlugin::createBackend: using backend:  "Xine"                                                                            
amarok: END__: Codeine::VideoWindow::VideoWindow(QWidget*) - Took 0.47s         
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::setupActions()                         
amarok: END__: void Codeine::MainWindow::setupActions() - Took 0.0028s          
dragonplayer(11436): Attempt to use QAction "aspect_ratio_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                            
dragonplayer(11436): Attempt to use QAction "audio_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                          
dragonplayer(11436): Attempt to use QAction "subtitle_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                       
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::init()                                 
amarok:      registering root?  true                                            
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Engine::State)      
amarok: BEGIN: State: Empty                                                     
amarok:          updated actions                                                
amarok:          updated menus                                                  
amarok:          updated statusbar                                              
amarok:          update position slider                                         
amarok:          screensaver on                                                 
amarok:          set titles                                                     
amarok:          dbus: stopped                                                  
amarok: END__: State: Empty - Took 0.0019s                                      
amarok: END__: void Codeine::MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Engine::State) - Took 0.0024s                                                                       
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::MainWindow::open(const KUrl&)                      
amarok:        KUrl("file:///home/georg/Media/TODO/Stuff/Ameriquest - Don't Judge To Quickly 1.wmv")                                                            
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::load(const KUrl&)                     
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::eject()                               
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::eject() - Took 0.16s                  
amarok:          detected mimetype:  "video/x-ms-wmv"                           
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::load(const KUrl&) - Took 0.21s        
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setAudioChannel(int)                  
amarok:          using index:  254087844  returned desc has index:  -1          
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setAudioChannel(int) - Took 0.00069s  
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setSubtitle(int)                      
amarok:          using index:  254087844  returned desc has index:  -1          
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setSubtitle(int) - Took 0.00073s      
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::play(qint64)                          
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::seek(qint64)                          
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::seek(qint64) - Took 0.00037s          
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::play(qint64) - Took 0.0013s           
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::MainWindow::open(const KUrl&) - Took 0.22s         

Comment 6 Fabio Locati 2009-01-04 23:31:56 UTC
*** Bug 179368 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 David Edmundson 2009-01-05 00:15:50 UTC
Seems you're right. I've been testing SVN Dragonplayer against KDE4.1 libraries - and that works perfectly so I assumed all was good. However it seems to be an issue against new KDE libraries. 

It's not running any of the "stateChanged" method in the videoWidget class from the looks of your debug output. Will upgrade my KDE and investigate heavily tomorrow night.
Comment 8 David Edmundson 2009-01-05 21:42:38 UTC
I've updated to KDE4.2 beta 2 packages (KUbuntu PPA) and it is behaving exactly as intended - I'm also getting the debug output that I would expect - with the important lines.

amarok:    chapters:  0  titles:  0                                                                    
amarok:    going from  "Buffering"  to  "Playing"       
amarok:    adjusting size to video resolution                                                          

N.B it says amarok because we're using Amarok's debug library. As it was only for debugging no-one got round to changing it. I probably should, but that's a separate issue.
Comment 9 Georg Wittenburg 2009-01-06 11:39:40 UTC
Maybe it has something to do with the configuration file? If I remove ~/.kde4/share/config/dragonplayerrc it works fine for exactly one run (see below). For the second run, the size is back to tiny (and there's also no audio, but let's not focus on that for now). Note that I'm not seeing any of the debug lines you mentioned before in my debugging output, so maybe they're just no part of my version of dragonplayer (which remains unchanged since my previous post).

First run (everything fine):

amarok: BEGIN: Codeine::MainWindow::MainWindow()                                
amarok: BEGIN: Codeine::VideoWindow::VideoWindow(QWidget*)                      
dragonplayer(8228) Phonon::KdePlatformPlugin::createBackend: using backend:  "Xine"                                                                             
amarok: END__: Codeine::VideoWindow::VideoWindow(QWidget*) - Took 0.47s         
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::setupActions()                         
amarok: END__: void Codeine::MainWindow::setupActions() - Took 0.0027s          
dragonplayer(8228): Attempt to use QAction "aspect_ratio_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                             
dragonplayer(8228): Attempt to use QAction "audio_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                           
dragonplayer(8228): Attempt to use QAction "subtitle_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                        
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::init()                                 
amarok:      registering root?  true
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Engine::State)
amarok: BEGIN: State: Empty
amarok:          updated actions
amarok:          updated menus
amarok:          updated statusbar
amarok:          update position slider
amarok:          screensaver on
amarok:          set titles
amarok:          dbus: stopped
amarok: END__: State: Empty - Took 0.0016s
amarok: END__: void Codeine::MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Engine::State) - Took 0.002s
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::MainWindow::open(const KUrl&)
amarok:        KUrl("file:///home/georg/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.mov")
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::load(const KUrl&)
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::eject()
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::eject() - Took 0.16s
amarok:          detected mimetype:  "video/quicktime"
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::load(const KUrl&) - Took 0.22s
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::play(qint64)
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::play(qint64) - Took 0.00067s
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::MainWindow::open(const KUrl&) - Took 0.23s

dragonplayerrc after first run:

Preferred Size=100,30

Recent Urls[$e]=file://$HOME/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.mov

Height 800=306
Width 1280=480

Dragon Player_Volume=1

[file:///home/georg/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.mov]

Second run (tiny video, no sound):

amarok: BEGIN: Codeine::MainWindow::MainWindow()                                
amarok: BEGIN: Codeine::VideoWindow::VideoWindow(QWidget*)                      
dragonplayer(8293) Phonon::KdePlatformPlugin::createBackend: using backend:  "Xine"                                                                             
amarok: END__: Codeine::VideoWindow::VideoWindow(QWidget*) - Took 0.47s         
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::setupActions()                         
amarok: END__: void Codeine::MainWindow::setupActions() - Took 0.0028s          
dragonplayer(8293): Attempt to use QAction "aspect_ratio_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                             
dragonplayer(8293): Attempt to use QAction "audio_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                           
dragonplayer(8293): Attempt to use QAction "subtitle_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory!                                                                        
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::init()                                 
amarok:      registering root?  true                                            
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Engine::State)      
amarok: BEGIN: State: Empty                                                     
amarok:          updated actions                                                
amarok:          updated menus                                                  
amarok:          updated statusbar                                              
amarok:          update position slider                                         
amarok:          screensaver on                                                 
amarok:          set titles
amarok:          dbus: stopped
amarok: END__: State: Empty - Took 0.0012s
amarok: END__: void Codeine::MainWindow::engineStateChanged(Engine::State) - Took 0.0015s
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::MainWindow::open(const KUrl&)
amarok:        KUrl("file:///home/georg/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.mov")
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::load(const KUrl&)
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::eject()
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::eject() - Took 0.16s
amarok:          detected mimetype:  "video/quicktime"
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::load(const KUrl&) - Took 0.2s
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setAudioChannel(int)
amarok:          using index:  185758821  returned desc has index:  -1
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setAudioChannel(int) - Took 0.013s
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setSubtitle(int)
amarok:          using index:  185758821  returned desc has index:  -1
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setSubtitle(int) - Took 0.00069s
amarok: BEGIN: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::play(qint64)
amarok: BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::seek(qint64)
amarok: END__: void Codeine::VideoWindow::seek(qint64) - Took 0.00038s
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::VideoWindow::play(qint64) - Took 0.0013s
amarok: END__: bool Codeine::MainWindow::open(const KUrl&) - Took 0.24s

dragonplayerrc after second run:

Preferred Size=100,30

Recent Urls[$e]=file://$HOME/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.mov

Height 800=120
Width 1280=480

Dragon Player_Volume=1

[file:///home/georg/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring.mov]
Comment 10 David Edmundson 2009-01-06 12:36:44 UTC
George can you clarify something.
The first time you open a unique video it is the correct (video resolution) size. If you open a video you have opened a second time only then does it have the wrong size. Any previously unopened video opens at the correct size. 

If so I think I've got the cause.
Dragon code stores the name of recent files in 
Recent Urls[$e]=file://$HOME/Media/Trailers/T...

Each entry in this comma separated list has it's own config group entry

[file:///home/georg/Media/Trailers/The Lord of the Ri...]

This contains the details on how to restore the file. Somehow KUrl() has put $HOME in one place /home/george in another. This has caused DragonPlayer to get confused over whether it has a details on how to restore the settings or not. It also seems to have spewn these settings into the core of the file without being in any group.

I should hopefully be able to fix this when I have the code in front of me tonight. Thanks.
Comment 11 Georg Wittenburg 2009-01-06 15:43:28 UTC
I tracked it down to the Position value in [file:///xyz]. If set to a non-zero value, the video starts playing with a tiny size. Changing that line to "Position=0" makes the video play as it should. I guess some initialization is skipped if the video isn't played from the very start.

BTW (and I'm just guessing here), the values for AudioChannel and Subtitle (both set to 185758820) also look suspiciously like uninitialized memory. Maybe you could have a look once you get to work on the code.

Finally, when DragonPlayer is started for the first time without any arguments, i.e. without playing any video, it also starts as a tiny window. Maybe it would be a good choice to have larger default values for the initial default window size.
Comment 12 David Edmundson 2009-01-19 20:12:38 UTC
Finally found it!

When loading a file with a position saved, the first thing Dragon does is seek to the position before playing. However before it does this it is set to paused then set to playing.

This means the phonon status' emitted aren't

it's stopped->paused->playing

This skips the init step to resize the window when it thinks "playing has started" - as we don't want it resizing just because a user has paused it (a previous bug)

Often Phonon will emit (for me on my slow laptop) stopped->paused->buffering->playing which worked as expected, hence the intermittent behaviour.

I intend to backport the patch to 4.2, though I can't promised 4.2.0
Comment 13 David Edmundson 2009-01-19 20:13:45 UTC
SVN commit 913716 by davidedmundson:

BUG:163099 Video window sometimes doesn't resize when opening a file with a restore position.

 M  +3 -5      videoWindow.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=913716
Comment 14 Jay LaCroix 2009-02-04 02:55:32 UTC
With my Dragon player, when I open *any* video file, it starts the movie with the video resized to less than one inch square. Every time I open a video I have to manually increase the size of the window. Is my experience related to this bug or did I discover a different one? Please let me know if I should be following this bug report or filing a different one. Thank you!
Comment 15 Jay LaCroix 2009-02-04 02:55:51 UTC
With my Dragon player, when I open *any* video file, it starts the movie with the video resized to less than one inch square. Every time I open a video I have to manually increase the size of the window. Is my experience related to this bug or did I discover a different one? Please let me know if I should be following this bug report or filing a different one. Thank you!

Also, is there a temporary work around that I can use while I'm waiting for the update?
Comment 16 Nadav Kavalerchik 2009-02-04 23:01:21 UTC
Jeremy LaCroix  , 
you are in the right place. i have the same issue.
Comment 17 David Edmundson 2009-02-05 00:35:38 UTC
SVN commit 921398 by davidedmundson:

Backport all the fixes made to Dragonplayer after 4.2.0
Same as trunk revision 918684 except "reset video settings" feature not backported as includes new translation

add a check for unistd.h to the buildsystem.
and include unistd.h in dragonplayer/src/app/videoWindow.cpp, for usleep.
Fixed crash when loading Video after using VideoSettings Dialog, and VideoSettings dialog now only accessible if 
playing a Video file
Check channel validity before setting audio channel.
BUG: 171301
Fixes bug 171301 by adding a "Restore defaults" button to video settings dialog and looking for the "valueChanged" 
signal instead of "sliderMoved" for the Vdeo settings slider, ensuring that it will recognise all movements, not 
just those caused by dragging with mouse
When track finished pushing "play" now restarts track
Support for additional MediaSource state 'empty'
BUG:163099 Video window sometimes doesn't resize when opening a file with a restore position.
Supress powermanager from sleeping when playing a file
Replace all references to CODEINE with DRAGONPLAYER
Remove unused code. Fixed compile warning
Implements TheStream::prettyTitle() and removes two unused signals statusMessage(const QString &) and
titleChanged(const QString &) (Now obsolete due to MediaObject::metaDataChanged())
Code tidy up by Paul B
Fix pause button in DragonPart
Enable position slider based on seekableChanged phonon signal
Fix compile
extra ';'
Revert dbus FileChanged signal broken in last commit
Fix compiler warning on inline consts
Remove all of custom Engine::State enum and replace with Phonon::State
General refactor of state changing 

 M  +4 -2      app/actions.cpp  
 M  +2 -2      app/actions.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/adjustSizeButton.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/discSelectionDialog.h  
 M  +3 -5      app/extern.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/fullScreenAction.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/fullScreenToolBarHandler.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/listView.cpp  
 M  +52 -22    app/mainWindow.cpp  
 M  +13 -4     app/mainWindow.h  
 M  +3 -7      app/part.cpp  
 M  +4 -4      app/part.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/partToolBar.h  
 M  +2 -2      app/playDialog.h  
 M  +5 -5      app/playlistFile.cpp  
 M  +2 -2      app/playlistFile.h  
 M  +22 -3     app/recentlyPlayedList.cpp  
 M  +21 -0     app/recentlyPlayedList.h  
 M  +99 -137   app/stateChange.cpp  
 M  +23 -3     app/theStream.cpp  
 M  +5 -4      app/theStream.h  
 M  +40 -72    app/videoWindow.cpp  
 M  +16 -11    app/videoWindow.h  
 M  +33 -47    codeine.h  
 M  +3 -3      dbus/playerDbusHandler.cpp  
 M  +2 -2      dbus/playerDbusHandler.h  
 M  +2 -2      dbus/rootDbusHandler.h  
 M  +3 -3      dbus/trackListDbusHandler.cpp  
 M  +2 -2      dbus/trackListDbusHandler.h  
 M  +10 -17    debug.h  
 M  +3 -3      messageBox.h  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=921398
Comment 18 David Edmundson 2009-02-05 00:48:26 UTC
Somewhere in that giant chunk of text it says that I've backported the bug fix to KDE 4.2 so it should be in 4.2.1

It would be super if you guys could test it.

apt-get build-dep kdemultimedia-kde4
svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/4.2/kdemultimedia
cd kdemultimedia
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd dragonplayer
cd src/app

delete ~/.kde/share/config/dragonplayerrc too