Version: 0.9.3-rc1 (using 3.5.9 "release 61.2" , openSUSE ) Compiler: Target: x86_64-suse-linux OS: Linux (x86_64) release i get some problem when i use correlation with the gps example i have picture took at: 17:26:12 in the gps file i have <trkpt lat="30.939866667" lon="-6.967003333"> <time>2008-05-03T17:26:12Z</time> when i use correlation, i get: 30 deg 43.42900' latitude and 6 deg 32.02530' longitude 30.72 -6.53.... when i use google map with the value digikam put, it's not the correct area... i don't know where digikam get this point
Marc, is there any time-shift in the GPS correlator? I.e. camera time usually is different from UTC time... For example, is there another point with a multiple of an hour offset in your track which would match with the assigned coordinates? Best, Arnd
the gps use the satelite time, i think i setted the photo to the utc time... so that should be ok
i don't know on witch field digikam use to synch file... but i was needed to add 2 hours to get the correct correlation..