Version: (using KDE 3.5.9) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages When printing with the printer assistant and choosing 30 images on one page, the digikam interface freezes during the printing process, for about 3-4 minutes. The application looks like it's crashed, my girlfriend which thinks that linux is buggy, concluded after one minute that digikam crashed and that she had to make her foto aranging again, which wasn't very amusing for her. So, please make digikam girlfried save ;-) (by the way, it would be nice if one of the options of the picture size would be: passport foto)
After waiting for another few minutes while digikam is printing, i found out that digkam tries to create a print document with the size of 200 MB!!!!! this is a little bit exagerated for a simple A4 document, and possibly explains why it takes so long to print. My girlfriend told me(if you need a betatester one day, she is the best, believe me, she finds every bug), that windows xp can print it much much faster. The whole printing process took 15 minutes (i printed to a pdf file)
IIRC the dialog is non modal so it should avoid host application to be frozen.... Anyway which is your printer? a HP? BTW there's no way to speed up printing since it pass through gs.... will check it soon for kde4 though Angelo
Hi, yes the printer is a HP printer. But the same happens when you print on cups-pdf, so this has nothing todo with it. I think one of the problems is, that if i chose a high resolution picture (lets say 1500x1500) and put that 30 times on one paper, the resolution stays high for each picture, which gives a huge file that has to be sent to the printer.
is this bug still valid in kde 4.x and kipi-plugins 0.2.0 rc2?
is this bug still valid with kipi plugins 0.3 ?
about 4 months without answers. Closing it as upstream. Reporter if you think is not, please reopen it and add your comments.
Not reproducible with current implementation of PrintCreator from digiKam core (next 5.7.0) Gilles Caulier