Version: 1.6.0 (using KDE 3.5.8) OS: Linux A plugin that allows the user to combine two vectors (i.e. append one to another) would be useful to allow consecutive time streams from different data files to be simply combined.
SVN commit 807422 by arwalker: BUG:162065 Added ability to combine vectors. The inputs are 'First Array' and 'Second Array'. The 'Combined Array' simply appends the second array to the first. Thus, the length of the combined array is the sum of the lengths of the first and second arrays. A combine (directory) A combine/ A combine/combine.cpp [License: GPL (v2+)] A combine/combine.h [License: GPL (v2+)] A combine/kstobject_combine.desktop WebSVN link:
SVN commit 807425 by arwalker: CCBUG:162065 Added ability to combine vectors. The inputs are 'First Array' and 'Second Array'. The 'Combined Array' simply appends the second array to the first. Thus, the length of the combined array is the sum of the lengths of the first and second arrays. M +1 -1 M +1 -1 chop/chop.h WebSVN link: