Version: (using KDE 4.0.3) Installed from: SuSE RPMs OS: Linux wallpapers diashow not realy worked! test it your self on kde4
no no no sorry!! wallpapers diashow worked but its not realy user frendly to configured see the screanshot thats not easy to understand this konfiguration and to use it! and in the mini tool piture frame is also the same konfiguration!
Looks fine in English, so either its fixed, or its a translation bug. I'm reassigning to plasma in the hope that someone with KDE in German can test this.
I can confirm this issue using German locale. SVN from around the June 7th, locale from today (8th).
so lets assign this to the i18n people =)
*** Bug 164098 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I can confirm that. The textbox shows this 00 ‚SCESTun1en‘ 01 ‚1inuCESTen‘ 00 ‚Sekun1en‘ However, the po file shows this msgstr "hh ‚Stunden‘ mm ‚Minuten‘ ss ‚Sekunden‘" @reporter: the screenshot -- while hosted at the external service -- is not available for the last hour or so... Please upload things to the bug tracker directly next time.
I believe it should be msgstr "hh 'Stunden' mm 'Minuten' ss 'Sekunden'" with the original quotes. French team does the same error! I htink I should add a comment explaining it for the translators, it's the second time I fixe it in French, the translator changed it back!
SVN commit 825932 by schwarzer: translation fix These single quotation marks may not be replaced by the localised ones. (lets see if this fixes the issue, if not I'll reopen) BUG:161622 M +2 -2 plasma_applet_desktop.po WebSVN link: