Version: 3.5.9 (using KDE 3.5.9) OS: Linux For RTL languages such as Parsi, Hebrew, and Arabic, KDE's hierarchy trees are difficult to use as they are left-aligned. The ability to configure them as Left, Right, AsPerLanguage is necessary. The best solution would be to have a per-list option, and to have middle-click change the left/right alignment on a per-item basis. This is because some lists have both LTR and RTL list items.
Shalom Dotan, Please tell me which applications are affected by this in KDE4 (!), and I will try to fix. If you can tell me which classes - even better. Just for the record, FileSystem trees will be LTR even in RTL desktops for KDE 4.2 (I am currently hunthing those places).
Shalom Dotan, As far as I understand this bug, this was fixed by Qt4, where the programmer has the option to change the direction of each control (where in Qt3 it was possible only per window). So IMHO this bug can be closed. However, if you feel that other controls in KDE4 (sorry, we cannot address this issue for KDE3) have problems, please open a separate bug report for each offending application/control. Please try to attach screen shots as well.
This was fixed in Qt4 where each QWidget can have a different layout direction.
Thanks. I will test in KDE4 and report back with any problems. Just so that I will be prepared, how does the user switch the direction of the hierarchy list? Or is it only done automatically based on the content?
Tested in Basket on KDE 4.1. The list item does align according to the directionality of the first letter, as expected. Thanks!