Bug 161163 - Konsole crashes when using vim
Summary: Konsole crashes when using vim
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.6.6
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2008-04-22 17:41 UTC by Sebastián Ramírez Magrí
Modified: 2008-05-23 21:56 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Sebastián Ramírez Magrí 2008-04-22 17:41:15 UTC
Version:           1.6.6 (using 3.5.8, Gentoo)
Compiler:          Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
OS:                Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.24-gentoo-r3

When using vim konsole crashes and closes. It happens when i make the insert command on vim, so it could be a bug on vim that i'm reporting too.
Comment 1 Robert Knight 2008-04-22 18:04:04 UTC

Can you post the backtrace which appears in the dialog that appears after Konsole crashes please.
Comment 2 Robert Knight 2008-05-23 21:41:32 UTC
Without a backtrace I cannot confirm the bug.
Comment 3 Sebastián Ramírez Magrí 2008-05-23 21:56:06 UTC
I've been waiting for it to reproduce the same crash but it have been running good... I think it could be a fault on vim corrected with other compilation option... Thanks anyway...