Bug 16017 - Full-height table not re-layout when expanded.
Summary: Full-height table not re-layout when expanded.
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: khtml (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Mandrake RPMs Other
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2000-11-25 04:48 UTC by mikem
Modified: 2006-06-07 16:58 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Test Case (120 bytes, text/html)
2004-01-22 19:27 UTC, Dominic Chambers

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description mikem 2000-11-25 04:35:30 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package: konqueror
Version: 2.0
Severity: normal
Installed from: Mandrake 7.2 RPMs

The flash plugin misaligns itself [ie is a few pixels off the bottom of the window] on certain sites. Most notably www.xdude.com where on a 1024 x 768 screen the large [full-screen] movie has the bottom 2 centimeters cut off by the bottom of the window. In Linux Netscape 4.76 it runs vertically centered. 

I believe it may be the full screen nature or the unusually large size of the movie that makes the effect occur on this site and not others. 

Thanks for your time and a wonderful desktop.

(submitted via bugs.kde.org)
Comment 1 Maksim Orlovich 2003-01-13 04:28:57 UTC
The original bug is fixed in HEAD (don't know for how long), but the pages show a pretty smal 
table-rendering buglet.  
Basically, on the attached testcase, the vertical position (centering) isn't re-calculated when the 
window is expanded vertically. When shrinking, it re-calculates the position only when it gets 
smaller than when it last re-calculated - i.e. the original calculation, or the last time is got 
smaller than that.  
<table width="100%" height="100%"> 
    <td width="100%"><p align="center"> 
    Some text goes here 
Comment 2 Josef 2003-08-06 15:10:11 UTC
This bug should maybe be marked as closed? :-) 
Comment 3 Dominic Chambers 2004-01-22 19:27:46 UTC
Created attachment 4296 [details]
Test Case

This bug still occurs in KDE 3.1.4, though it may be fixed 3.2, so I thought
I'd make the above test case a link for easier checking.
Comment 4 Dominic Chambers 2004-01-31 21:02:23 UTC
Just tested in KDE 3.2 RC1 and the behaviour has changed completely, but the bug essentialy still remains. Now, it is even more complex:

Re-centering still only occurs when the window is made smaller (as before), *but* the window must now _also_ be made bigger than the previous centering (opposite of previous behaviour), or the re-centering will not occur. Yes, this sounds like a paradox! Here are the steps to replicate:

1. open the test case
2. make the window much bigger (vertically)
3. now make the window a tiny bit smaller (again, vertically)

The re-size occurs at step 3, but under no other conditions.
Comment 5 Rainer Endres 2004-04-06 10:53:24 UTC
I can not reproduce this with KDE CVS ( 5 Apr. 2004 ) using the provided testcase. Can anyone else ? Dominic? 

If not, we can close this as fixed?

Comment 6 Maksim Orlovich 2004-05-30 07:10:13 UTC
Can still reproduce it, the same way as how Dominic Chambers described it.
Comment 7 Leo Savernik 2004-08-26 11:26:59 UTC
In KDE 3.3.0 the table is only relayouted when the windowsize is increased vertically. On decreasing, the table stays unchanged. On increasing, the table stays unchanged until the last table height has been suceeded. From then on, it will be relayouted again.
Comment 8 Rainer Endres 2005-01-27 22:21:06 UTC
In 3.4beta1 this is getting even more odd. ;) Yes thats possible.

1. Load the test-case
2. make smaller vertically 

--> aligns

3. Re-load the test-case
4. make smaller vertically (--> aligns)
5. make bigger vertically 

--> No align, text stays where it was.

6. Re-load the testcase
7. repeat steps 3-5
8. change size _horizontally_ 

--> aligned

Comment 9 Christian Boltz 2005-12-23 21:51:26 UTC
Still reproduceable with KDE 3.5
Comment 10 Ismail Donmez 2006-04-30 00:22:28 UTC
Reproducible with KDE 3.5 SVN as of today.
Comment 11 Allan Sandfeld 2006-06-07 16:58:04 UTC
SVN commit 549130 by carewolf:

body acts as if it has percentage height in quirks mode (ancient bug)
CCMAIL: kling@impul.se
BUG: 16017

 M  +4 -1      render_block.cpp  

--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdelibs/khtml/rendering/render_block.cpp #549129:549130
@@ -1366,8 +1366,11 @@
         // make sure we relayout children if we need it.
         if (!child->isPositioned() && (relayoutChildren ||
              (child->isReplaced() && (child->style()->width().isPercent() || child->style()->height().isPercent())) ||
-             (child->isRenderBlock() && child->style()->height().isPercent())))
+             (child->isRenderBlock() && child->style()->height().isPercent()) || 
+             (child->isBody() && child->style()->htmlHacks())))
+        {
+        }
         // Handle the four types of special elements first.  These include positioned content, floating content, compacts and
         // run-ins.  When we encounter these four types of objects, we don't actually lay them out as normal flow blocks.