Bug 160142 - Using the terminal multiplexer `screen' screws up the konsole tab
Summary: Using the terminal multiplexer `screen' screws up the konsole tab
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2008-03-31 06:41 UTC by James Pike
Modified: 2008-05-07 10:30 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description James Pike 2008-03-31 06:41:45 UTC
Version:            (using Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources
Compiler:          g++ 4.2.2 
OS:                Linux


If I run screen then the terminal becomes unusable. It acts as if it misjudges the height of the window somehow. Then even after terminating screen the konsole tab becomes unusable. vim will act really weird and at the end of most commands (e.g. ls) there will be a "%" character.
Comment 1 Robert Knight 2008-03-31 16:13:47 UTC
I couldn't see anything odd during or after running screen here.

> vim will act really weird and at the end of most
> commands (e.g. ls) there will be a "%" character.

Does resetting the terminal help?
Comment 2 James Pike 2008-03-31 18:48:27 UTC
No resetting doesn't help.

Also running screen over ssh is fine but not on the local machine weirdly enough.

Are you using the svn qt 4.4? I'm using the beta release from trolltech which I compile myself.
Comment 3 Robert Knight 2008-03-31 18:51:25 UTC
> Are you using the svn qt 4.4? I'm using the beta release from trolltech which I compile myself. 

Yes, I am using the Qt source from trunk/qt-copy in KDE's SVN, which should be pretty much the same as the Qt beta release.
Comment 4 Robert Knight 2008-03-31 19:05:57 UTC
> It acts as if it misjudges the height of the window somehow.

If you split the screen into multiple regions using C-a,S do the status/splitter bars for each region appear in the right place?
Comment 5 James Pike 2008-04-01 04:31:15 UTC
Hey I just noticed when I split the screen both the captions seem to wrap at 80. The display becomes even more messed up than usual with a split screen. I found out if I set the columns to exactly 80 OR LESS then screen displays fine but otherwise it messes up.

The $COLUMNS environment variable is fine though.

Also I worked out if I resize the window either vertically or horizontally then the screen session fixes itself.
Comment 6 James Pike 2008-05-07 10:30:41 UTC
Seems to work since qt-copy was upgraded to match 4.4rc1.