Version: 1.6.6 (using KDE 3.5.8) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux Approximately 20 seconds after konsole receives input focus, the "Session" menu gets selected automatically, and I need to press somewhere on the text entry area to get focus back. It doesn't matter whether I am typing while it happens or whether the konsole is idle, after 20 seconds of receiving input focus it goes to Session menu, the menu entry is depressed but the menu doesn't open. It always takes about 20 seconds to happen. The problem isn't produced in other KDE apps like konqueror etc. I have tried running one konsole from within another to see if some sort of debug output is shown, nothing. Only thing that happens is that at konsole startup the message "kdecore (KProcess): WARNING: _attachPty() 11" appears. Regards.
> Approximately 20 seconds after konsole receives input focus, Very odd. I cannot reproduce this myself. Do you have any input method tools or accessibility tools running?
Marking as REMIND until comment #1 is responded to.
This is happening to me as well. I have konsole version 4:3:5:9-0ubuntu7. I'm running a Dell laptop.
Hi, I'm experiencing the same problem. I noticed a similar behavior on Microsoft Office Word 2003, when run with WINE. So I think the problem is not strictly related to konsole. Working Condition: Debian Lenny - KDE 3.5.10 - Konsole 1.6.6