Version: 1.6.0 (using KDE 3.5.9) Installed from: Compiled From Sources OS: Linux The following was requested by the LFI team: LFI reference loads are at a different temperature then the sky signal, therefore in order to reduce the 1/f noise it is necessary to include in the difference a scale factor r (sky - r * ref). The default LFI differencing procedure is to take the mean of 1 hour of sky and ref, compute the r factor as mean_sky/mean_ref, and then produce the differenced timestream by computing sky - r * ref. differencing plugin implementation Inputs: sampling_freq (the same for sky and ref) sky datavector ref datavector (of the same lenght and sampling rate) timespan (hours) where to compute the r factor, default is 1, if empty the complete vectors are taken into account Pseudocode: totaltime = (number of samples) / sampling_freq for i from 0 to totaltime/timespan: data_range = [ i * timespan * sampling_freq : (i+1) * timespan * sampling_freq ] mean_sky = mean(sky [data_range]) mean_ref = mean(ref [data_range]) r[i] = mean_sky/mean_ref diff[data_range] = sky[data_range] - r[i] * ref[data_range] output: r (vector containing computed r for each timespan, dimension is the number of timespans in the sky and ref datavectors) diff (datavector of the same dimensions of sky and ref)
SVN commit 783112 by arwalker: CCBUG:158887 first draft of lfi difference plugin M +1 -1 A lfidifference (directory) A lfidifference/ A lfidifference/kstobject_lfidifference.desktop A lfidifference/lfidifference.cpp [License: GPL (v2+)] A lfidifference/lfidifference.h [License: GPL (v2+)] WebSVN link:
SVN commit 783116 by arwalker: BUG:158887 add plugin for doing lfi differencing M +22 -0 lfidifference.cpp WebSVN link: