Version: 1.4.0 (using KDE 3.5.9KDE 3.5.6) Installed from: Compiled From SourcesCompiled From Sources OS: Linux PROBLEM: The PALNCK IDEF data source does not identify itself as the optimal data source when a PLANCK IDEF fits files is comprressed. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Start Kst From the data wizard open the data file L030_X_197001010414_00.fits.gz RESULTS: The data source selected is the LFIIO EXPECTED RESULTS: The data source selected is the PLANCK IDEF
SVN commit 777947 by arwalker: BUG:158198 allow the PLANCK IDEF data source to recognise compressed FITS files i.e. .fits.gz M +9 -4 planckIDEF.cpp WebSVN link: