Bug 157773 - Perl highlighter handles new // (defined-or) operator incorrectly
Summary: Perl highlighter handles new // (defined-or) operator incorrectly
Alias: None
Product: kate
Classification: Applications
Component: syntax (show other bugs)
Version: 2.5
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWrite Developers
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Reported: 2008-02-13 11:23 UTC by Dominik Sauer
Modified: 2011-08-09 08:20 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

script demostrating the hiliter failure (84 bytes, text/plain)
2008-02-13 11:26 UTC, Dominik Sauer
Some ameture attempts at getting // working (2.50 KB, patch)
2009-03-12 15:22 UTC, Kent Fredric

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Dominik Sauer 2008-02-13 11:23:19 UTC
Version:           2.5.8 (using KDE 3.5.8)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
OS:                Linux

When I use syntax higlighting with PERL source using new (>=PERL 5.10) operator // (defined-or), the source following such an operator is colored wrongly.
Comment 1 Dominik Sauer 2008-02-13 11:26:33 UTC
Created attachment 23557 [details]
script demostrating the hiliter failure
Comment 2 Anders Lund 2008-02-22 19:28:38 UTC
On Wednesday 13 February 2008, Pino Toscano wrote:

I'm afraid I haven't followed the development of perl much recently. I assume 
this is an operator along all other operators? I'll add it as soon as you 
Comment 3 Dominik Sauer 2008-03-17 11:10:21 UTC
Yes, this is an ordinary operator. Comes in two flavors:

// which is ordinary binary 'defined-or' operator
    $a = $b // 'BOGUS'; # $a becomes $b if defined($b), 'BOGUS' otherwise


//= which is assignment version of it
    $a //= 'BOGUS'; # $a becomes 'BOGUS' unless already defined

Comment 4 Kent Fredric 2009-03-12 15:22:10 UTC
Created attachment 32053 [details]
Some ameture attempts at getting // working 

This a half assed attempt at getting a handful of the perl5.10 changes in.
Comment 5 Kent Fredric 2009-03-12 15:28:17 UTC
its mostly relying on the assumption that / style regex are not entirely practical in most locations when its not prefixed by either  =~ or !~ so it searches for the ~ /   pattern instead of just  / ( which it presently uses ).
Comment 6 Anders Lund 2009-03-12 17:17:13 UTC
Hi Kent,
/PATTERN/ can be used as a statement about everywhere in perl, and quite often is. /match/ or die;)

Therefor we need to find a better way. The order in which things are done in the xml file is absolutely not random, and moving this particular test (the one that you removes) is likely to cause trouble.

Could you try instead of removing it to make it test for "/(?!/)" instead, to make it not match "//"?
Comment 7 Kent Fredric 2009-03-13 20:09:12 UTC
I tried that the first time, strangely for some reason it doesn't work at all. 

Neither Of these work:

<RegExpr attribute="Operator" context="pattern_slash" String="/(?:[^/])" beginRegion="Pattern" /> 
<RegExpr attribute="Operator" context="pattern_slash" String="/(?!/)" beginRegion="Pattern" /> 
<RegExpr attribute="Operator" context="pattern_slash" String="/[^/]" beginRegion="Pattern" /> 

I really don't get how this syntax highlighter works, XML oriented programming totally eludes me.

whats really confusing me is why

 $foo  /  $bar ; # is not interpreted as regex 


 $foo / / $bar; # is.

And the *strangest* thing is that it the regex starts with / and runs into bar, not runs from the first / 

Highlighter still thinks the first / and things after it are plain text.

and stranger still 

 $foo  /bar/ $bar # is interpreted as being totally devoid of regex. 

And I can't see any rules in the file that would do that.
Comment 8 Anders Lund 2009-03-13 20:43:52 UTC
Hi Kent,
I have to find some time to look closer into this then, thank you for trying and letting me know!

One of the problems with the regexps in the highlight processor is that qregexp isn't as good as the perl one.
Comment 9 Andrew Whatson 2010-02-17 00:44:38 UTC
Hi guys,

This bug hasn't seen any attention in a while, but is quite critical for those of us who love perl and kate.  Currently any use of the defined-or operator causes the remainder of the document to be highlighted as a regex!  My current solution has been to disable highlighting of /$regex/ entirely, however a proper fix for perl 5.10 highlighting would be far superior and greatly appreciated.

Comment 10 Erlend Hamberg 2010-02-17 15:00:08 UTC
neither me, dhaumann or cullmann know/use perl, so we don't feel comfortable doing this ourselves. the best would be if one of you perl users could take another look at this. the syntax file is located at /usr/share/kde4/apps/katepart/syntax/perl.xml (or thereabouts). documentation for how these syntax files work can be found at http://kate-editor.org/article/writing_a_kate_highlighting_xml_file

if you have any questions about the highlighting stuff, please send an email to the kwrite-devel list, and we will try to help. :-)
Comment 11 Anders Lund 2010-02-17 15:18:13 UTC
I will take care of this tomorrow


Erlend Hamberg skrev:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157773
> --- Comment #10 from Erlend Hamberg <ehamberg gmail com>  2010-02-17
> 15:00:08 --- neither me, dhaumann or cullmann know/use perl, so we don't
> feel comfortable doing this ourselves. the best would be if one of you
> perl users could take another look at this. the syntax file is located at
> /usr/share/kde4/apps/katepart/syntax/perl.xml (or thereabouts).
> documentation for how these syntax files work can be found at
> http://kate-editor.org/article/writing_a_kate_highlighting_xml_file
> if you have any questions about the highlighting stuff, please send an
> email to the kwrite-devel list, and we will try to help. :-)
Comment 12 Anders Lund 2010-02-18 09:56:04 UTC
SVN commit 1092079 by alund:

Check for operator // before checking for /
I have only checked a little, please check!

BUG: 157773

 M  +5 -3      perl.xml  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1092079
Comment 13 Andrew Whatson 2010-02-19 00:54:42 UTC
Hi Anders,

Thanks for working on this, I've given it some testing and it seems that highlighting is still broken in the following cases, ie. when the 'defined-or' operator is preceded by a closing bracket of any sort.

sub test { return undef }
my $test1 = test() //= ':(';

my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
my $test2 = $hash{d} //= ':(';

my @array = ('a', 'b', 'c');
my $test3 = $array[3] //= ':(';

Comment 14 Anders Lund 2010-02-19 01:05:02 UTC
Thanks for testing! I believe I know why, so I will attempt a fix tomorrow 
Comment 15 Andrew Whatson 2010-02-19 01:17:57 UTC
If it's any assistance, the following change to the highlighting XML disables bare regex (/$regex/ as opposed to m/$regex/ or s/$regex/$replace/), but allows me to use defined-or operators without them triggering regex highlighting.

Perhaps this is a clue as to where the issue lies?

--- perl.xml    2010-02-19 00:10:36 +0000
+++ perl.xml    2010-02-19 00:09:43 +0000
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@

         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" String="[\w_]+\s*/"
         <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay"
String="[&lt;&gt;&quot;':]/" />
-        <DetectChar attribute="Operator" context="pattern_slash" char="/"
beginRegion="Pattern" />
+        <!--<DetectChar attribute="Operator" context="pattern_slash" char="/"
beginRegion="Pattern" />-->
         <RegExpr attribute="Operator" context="#stay"
String="-[rwxoRWXOeszfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]" />

         <DetectChar attribute="Normal Text" context="#stay" char="{"
beginRegion="Block" />
Comment 16 Andrew Whatson 2010-02-19 04:55:05 UTC
It seems there's also now been a regression in the perl syntax highlighting.

my $value = $object->method unless test();

Is no longer highlighted the same as:

my $value = $object->method() unless test();
Comment 17 Anders Lund 2010-02-19 08:36:38 UTC
Not completely fixed yet, but we are working on it :)
Comment 18 Anders Lund 2010-02-19 08:48:42 UTC
Andrew Whatson skrev:
> Perhaps this is a clue as to where the issue lies?

Well, I would prefer to keep support for those patterns if possible, as they 
are very common. And I believe I can, I'm just a bit rusty ;)
Comment 19 Anders Lund 2010-02-19 09:51:20 UTC
SVN commit 1092536 by alund:

More defined-or fixing, various tests from Andrew now pass, and anonymous patterns work :-)

 M  +7 -8      perl.xml  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1092536
Comment 20 Andrew Whatson 2010-02-20 03:03:44 UTC
Hi Anders,

This is looking really good, it appears that you've fixed the original issue perfectly.  I'll have a more detailed look through my codebase on Monday just to be sure.

There is still the issue with the following example, which as far as I can see was introduced since the recent activity on this bug.

my $value = $object->method() unless test(); # is highlighted correctly
my $value = $object->method unless test();   # should appear the same,
                                             # but doesn't!

This seems to occur for any code following a bare dereference.

Comment 21 Dominik Haumann 2011-08-08 12:54:47 UTC
Hi, what's the state of this in KDE >= 4.6?
Since I'm not a perl expert, can someone give a quick summary about this report, and whether the initial issue is fixed?

The report is getting pretty long, so it's hard to quickly grasp what this is about.
Comment 22 Andrew Whatson 2011-08-08 13:18:53 UTC
All issues mentioned in this bug look fixed to me, testing with 4.7.0.
Comment 23 Dominik Haumann 2011-08-09 08:20:39 UTC
Ok, thanks a lot, Andrew. If there are other issues, please open new reports.