Bug 157729 - System tray in the corner (wish)
Summary: System tray in the corner (wish)
Alias: None
Product: plasma4
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: widget-systemtray (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
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Reported: 2008-02-12 16:24 UTC by Alexander Rødseth
Modified: 2008-11-19 03:35 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Alexander Rødseth 2008-02-12 16:24:03 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.0.0)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages


I use the wonderful FVWM2, on which I've spent far too much time configuring to perfectly match my tastes, to be easily abandoned (and it has unique features).
Luckily, KDE4 supports the KDEWM environment variable, which lets me do KDEWM=fvwm2. This is great!

However, sometimes I need a system tray in KDE4. A few years ago I used "kicker" standalone, just to get the system tray. Lightweight applications like "trayer" also work fine for this purpose. The modularity of Plasma makes it a prime canidate for being my next favorite system tray, combined with FVWM2. For this reason alone, I'm a big fan of Plasma (even though vector grahpics is cool too).

So, my wish is that KDE4/Plasma would take the system-tray experience one step further from the traditional "tray in a big panel" approach. That it would revolutionize the previous notions of system-trays and make energetic synergi effects pop up like firework everywhere! The thing I dream of is...

The KDE4 Plasma system-tray-corner!

Something that looked a bit like the plasma widget in the upper right corner where you can add new widgets, would be great.
If it could be skinned, moved around to a corner of my choice and be auto-hidden, it would be perfect!

Comment 1 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-02-13 00:09:16 UTC
this is essentially a wish for extra, sizable panels.

in the meantime .. you can either put your systray on the desktop (and get quick access to it with ctrl+f12) or you can run plasmodviewer systray and get a top level floating window. not exactly what you're looking for, i know, but interesting additional possibilities.
Comment 2 Chani 2008-02-13 01:48:06 UTC
> in the meantime .. you can either put your systray on the desktop (and get
> quick access to it with ctrl+f12) 

actually, when I had my systray on the desktop, ctrl+f12 wouldn't show it 
properly (the actual icons were below the dashboard). hopefully we can fix 
that with WoC?
Comment 3 Jason Stubbs 2008-11-19 03:35:00 UTC
Extra panels? check.
Systray on dashboard? check.

=> fixed