Version: (using KDE 4.0.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux On the KDE4.0 desktop, I hit Alt+F2 to bring up krunner. Type in firefox and I get two options: 1. Default: Run firefox (command) 2. Firefox Web Browser (Application) Selecting 1, Firefox launches with qtcurve styles applied. If select 2 it looks like an ugly GTK application, as if Euclid went nuts with a set square. :) Now, I'm not sure if this bug applies to krunner (it's occuring in the menu as well). As in KDE3.5 should "Apply my styles to GTK/Gnome apps" in System Settings be considered when launching firefox ?
Sorry, but this stuff is not developed by the KDE project. Please see for any problems you have w/it
I see this not only with qtcurve.. I do not think it is related to the style at all. In my case, depending if I launch firefox from a konsole or from krunner it seems it gets launched with a different environment.
to be more precise: I launch Firefox with the following command: /home/yves/Firefox2/firefox/firefox -P default When launched from a konsole window, it appears with the default "ugly" gtk2 style. When launched from krunner, it appears with the style "clearlooks".
Hmm, this might depend on setenv from kdeinit, then. But I would encourage you to talk to the qt-gtk folks, anyway; they're a lot more likely to be able to diagnose it..
Thanks, I wasn't sure where it belonged. I've reported it under a similar bug on their Trac:
I see it without actually using qtcurve, see #3. I also see a similar behaviour with eclipse. I think it's related to gtk-apps (or wx-apps) having a wrong environment...
Is this bug maybe a duplicate of (starting gtk apps from within kde forces default gtk engine)? James, can you check if you have the same problem with other gtk engines? Do applications started from a terminal work?
If i start "firefox" from a terminal, the raw GTK style is seen. It is only replaced with whatever qt/kde/gtk (?) theme is in use when i hit #1 as above in krunner. That bug looks pretty similar, though, if not the same.
yes, this is not a krunner problem. it's certainly an interesting limitation of qt-gtk, please report it to that project.
I do not have the gtk-qt package installed at all on my system, but I can reproduce this bug easily. I have firefox-3.0 installed from the gutsy-shipped package. To reproduce: - When I type "firefox-3.0" in krunner and press ENTER, firefox is launched with clearlooks style (which is my default style for gtk-apps, set with gtk-theme-switch2) - When I launch firefox3 from kickoff, it has the ugly default-sytle of gtk applied
Comment #7 says it's a dupe of , and for me it looks the same
Something related which might help understanding this issue: 1. Do ALT-F2, type "firefox-3.0", press enter 2. firefox is launched with clearlooks style applied 3. Close firefox again. ok so far. 4. Now, open a konsole, type "killall krunner", then after "krunner" to launch it again 5. do step 1. again 6. This time, you will find that firefox was launched with the ugly default-style of gtk+ 7. ...
This blog entry describes as well what this bug consists of:
Hi I've upgraded to 4.04 in Kubuntu 8.04 and have installed the following packages which were not installed: kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig gtk-qt-engine-kde4 Note that all other gtk-qt and qtcurve packages were installed. I've also added this to my .kde4/Autostart/ script although I have checked whether it does anything good: #!/bin/bash unset GTK2_RC_FILES unset GTK_RC_FILES Firefox now launches from the menu and krunner without hideous styles. hurrah! The Autostart script may not be needed - need to check that.
One other thing to remember is that "Use my KDE styles/fonts in GTK applications" needs to be checked as well in System Settings -> Appearance -> GTK Styles and Fonts.
I believe this has been fixed in Bug #146779