Version: (using KDE 4.0.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Compiler: From Kubuntu Gutsy ppa's repositories OS: Linux I believe that the target is too high dump. It is a problem when using applications in full screen (videos or games ...). I've not this problem with kde3.x
KGet does nothing special here (just sets the these flags: Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint) KWin should handle that IMHO. Btw: it seems that in trunk the KGet drop target does not get displayed anymore at all... Assign to KWin.
How exactly do you expect KWin to handle a window with 'BypassWindowManager'? That _is_ special.
SVN commit 768379 by uwolfer: correct way to hide the drop target from the task list BUG:156075 M +3 -1 droptarget.cpp WebSVN link: