Version: (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources I'm using Konversation for IRC and I have got the problem, that the taskbar notification, that I'm used to doesn't work (yet). In KDE3 it was possible for an app to flash its taskbar entry, when it wanted to have the users attention. When I'm using Konversation with KDE3 this does work (so it is set up correctly), with the same settings in KDE4 it doesn't work. Not a high priority thing, but it would be nice to have that.
yes, I think this is quiet an important feature. Apps like kopete or kmail require this for an ergonomic use.
SVN commit 765434 by alexmerry: Highlight windows if they demand attention. As an added bonus, use plasma theme colors for most things. BUG: 155972 M +17 -7 abstracttaskitem.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 765436 by alexmerry: Backport task highlighting and plasma theming. CCBUG: 155972 M +17 -7 abstracttaskitem.cpp WebSVN link: