Version: (using KDE KDE 4.0.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux konsole in kde3 has had this really useful new tab button in the tab bar. Any chance to get that back?
you can double click tab bar for a new tab.
On Friday 11 January 2008 08:58:03 Tommi Tervo wrote: [ quoted mail] Cool, did not now that. Thanks!
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Clicking in the tab bar is good enough for me.
...but not good enough for me :-). The click area changes as you open tabs, until after enough tabs it no longer exists. (Honestly, I'm not crazy about the resizing tabs either, for about the same reason; it causes opening/closing tabs to have a serious impact on the position of tabs, which is bad for spatial memory...)
Please add the button, its a good thing :) I am _so_ used to it...
The tabbed shell sessions should be designed like the tabbed browser sessions in konqueror. Anything tabbed should work the same way with the same UI elements. Same situation of multiple instances of a thing, so the user should be able to apply existing knowledge. However, inconsistencies should also be removed from tabbing konqueror, using three distinguished places in different situations for opening tabs requires too much of thinking. When no tab is open, use File->New Tab, after that use double click on the free space and if there is no free space in the tab bar, click on the button. Could be solved by always displaying the button and always keeping free space to double click on.
The double click on the tab bar is ok for me.
> The double click on the tab bar is ok for me. ...except when there ceases to be an area to double-click on :-).
> The double click on the tab bar is ok for me. And what about closing tabs? The close button is missing as well. Closing tabs from the file menu is not very nice.
> Closing tabs from the file menu is not very nice Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+W then. The recommended way to exit the program running inside it, usually by pressing Ctrl+D which sends an 'end of file' message. This ensures that the program will tidy itself up properly and save any state information that it needs to. If you use File -> Close Tab then Konsole will kill the program by sending it a SIGHUP ("The terminal has hung up") message. Most terminal programs that matter will respond to this correctly by doing any necessary tidy-up and then exiting. Programs which are not written to handle SIGHUP will just die immediately and may not save their state or release various resources.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 157015 ***