Version: (using KDE KDE 3.97.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux Hi The first time I started up KDE4 RC2, I had a look at the clock - nice but no timezone by default. I work in multiple timezones so I like to have my clock timezone displayed. Works really nicely in KDE3.5 with the mouseover of the clock showing all the timezones I've asked to be displayed (NY, UTC, Sydney etc) So, on configuration of the panel clock I click "Show Timezone" and it says "Local". I configure again and choose "Australia/Sydney" as the timezone and my clock jumped forward 11 hours. I now understand why it jumped (read bug 154102 for that) but I think that having the time zone displayed as "Local" isn't a good idea. Here's a use case: I'm in Sydney, my clock shows "08:52 Local". I fly to Perth, 3 hours behind, my clock might show "15:32 Local". Now, thats Sydney local time, not Perth Local time. Of course, the clock shouldn't do a magic time shift unless it was hooked up to a GPS. It would be better to show "08:52 Australia/Sydney" and "15:32 Australia/Sydney" in the cases mentioned -- and if I want a Perth clock I add that widget to my desktop. If space was at a premium, the clock could show Sydney or just AU/Sydney (using the ISO3166 country code). Thanks james
This has been fixed in current subversion
I would like to add to that. I usually configure my clock to show the Jamaica (and some other) time parallel to the German time since I am a Jamaican living in Germany and I call home regularly. It was a really nice feature. I didn't have to think about the hours that we are ahead in Germany, all I needed to do was hover over the clock with the mouse and I could see how late it is in the countries chosen. Aaron has promised that this feature would be implemented in KDE 4 since it's one that he also needs but it isn't there as yet. I would be happy to know if we will be getting it for 4.2.