Bug 153151 - Function selector in Edit Spectrum dialogue not properly disabled
Summary: Function selector in Edit Spectrum dialogue not properly disabled
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.5.0
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
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Reported: 2007-11-29 21:18 UTC by D. V. Wiebe
Modified: 2007-11-30 00:26 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description D. V. Wiebe 2007-11-29 21:18:57 UTC
Version:           1.5.0 (using KDE KDE 3.5.8)
Compiler:          gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 
OS:                Linux

The apodising function selection list in the "Edit Spectrum" dialogue box isn't properly disabled.  It appears to be disabled or enabled based on the state of the "Apodise" check box from the /previous/ instance of the Edit Spectrum dialogue box.

Steps to reproduce:

1.  Create two power spectra, ensure "apodise" is selected in both.
2.  Edit the first Spectrum
3.  Deselect "Apodise"
4.  "OK"
5.  Edit the second Spectrum


The "Function" drop-down list for the second spectrum in the "Edit Spectrum" dialogue will be disabled, even though "Apodise" for the second spectrum is checked.

Expected Result:

The "Function" drop-down list should respect the state of the "Apodise" checkbox.
Comment 1 Andrew Walker 2007-11-30 00:26:43 UTC
SVN commit 743175 by arwalker:

BUG:153151 correctly synch power spectrum properties in dialolg

 M  +3 -0      kstpsddialog_i.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=743175