Version: Revision 737231 (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources OS: Linux It should be useful in the insert table wizard, to paste data directly from a kcalc spreadsheet.
And from OpenCalc too...
Hi albert if you mean Calc... are you aware of the calc2latex macro, which is available at ? Regards, Dan
Moreover data tables would come from different sources like: - OpenOffice Calc - Koffice Spreadsheet - Gnumeric - MS Excel - Simple text file like a matlab/octave matrix The "create table" wizard could implement a way to import data from files OR it could be smart enough to managed "copied" data from different sources and let to paste in.
Yep the source package independence is a good point FINeX, The import from file may be more difficult to implement as eg one excel file or calc file may contain several tables and images - so you need a preview in order to select what you want. How does the table content look like when it's copied into memory? For easy copy and paste the entries are always separated by tabs and newlines, right? What happens with the formatting when using copy and paste? I think I would like (additionally) a paste feature to be implemented into the pop-up menu (right mouse button click) in form of a "paste as LaTeX table" entry joining the already present "paste as LaTeX". So you can easily paste the previously copied table at the point where you wish.
Git commit 08fde16d3e64e936867fee37cd8b179e47286300 by Michel Ludwig. Committed on 23/04/2011 at 11:33. Pushed by mludwig into branch 'master'. Add the possibility to copy tables from the clipboard into the tabular wizard. Patch by Felix Mauch, committed with some small modifications. CCBUG: 152392 M +9 -1 doc/index.docbook M +20 -3 src/dialogs/tabular/newtabulardialog.cpp M +5 -2 src/dialogs/tabular/newtabulardialog.h M +71 -13 src/dialogs/tabular/tabulartable.cpp M +4 -0 src/dialogs/tabular/tabulartable.h