Version: 1.9 (SVN Revision 695870, 2007-08-03) (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc 4.1.2 OS: Linux When running a process with continuous output like a compilation process and the keyboard (shift+arrow up, ...) is used to browse the scrollback buffer, the position is set back to the bottom on the next line of output. When using the scrollbar or scrollwheel instead, the position is preserved. (A simple "while [[ 1==1 ]]; do sleep 1; echo; done" produces such output.) Is this behavior intentional? If it is, could there be an option to change both kinds of scrollback browsing behavior added somewhere? Keep up the great work! Majin Sniper
It is a bug. Shift+Arrows currently jumps to the bottom because of the 'scroll to bottom on input' logic.
Fixed in SVN.