Bug 141891 - kaffeine does not offer to open mpeg4 files
Summary: kaffeine does not offer to open mpeg4 files
Alias: None
Product: kaffeine
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Debian testing Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Christophe Thommeret
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-02-18 22:38 UTC by Moritz Moeller-Herrmann
Modified: 2007-02-24 13:33 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Moritz Moeller-Herrmann 2007-02-18 22:38:54 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.5)
Installed from:    Debian testing/unstable Packages

The kaffeine file open dialog does not offer mpeg4 files (*.m4v)  as supported file format. Playing them works fine though.
Comment 1 Christoph Pfister 2007-02-24 13:33:11 UTC
SVN commit 636844 by pfister:

add m4v (mpeg4) to the supported types
thanks for reporting!
BUG: 141891

 M  +1 -1      kaffeine.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/multimedia/kaffeine/src/kaffeine.cpp #636843:636844
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 #include "kmultitabbar.h"
 #include "disc.h"
-#define DEFAULT_FILTER "*.anx *.axa *.axv *.vob *.png *.y4m *.rm *.ram *.rmvb *.pva *.nsv *.ogg *.ogm *.spx *.png *.mng *.pes *.iff *.svx *.8svx *.16sv *.ilbm *.pic *.anim *.wav *.vox *.voc *.snd *.au *.ra *.nsf *.flac *.aif *.aiff *.aud *.flv *.fli *.flc *.avi *.asf *.wmv *.wma *.asx *.wvx *.wax *.mkv *.vmd *.4xm *.mjpg *.cpk *.cak *.film *.str *.iki *.ik2 *.dps *.dat *.xa *.xa1 *.xa2 *.xas *.xap *.roq *.mve *.vqa *.mve *.mv8 *.cin *.wve *.mov *.qt *.mp4 *.ts *.m2t *.trp *.mpg *.mpeg *.dv *.dif *.flac *.mp3 *.mp2 *.mpa *.mpega *.ac3 *.aac *.asc *. *.sub *.srt *.smi *.ssa *.mpv *.m4a *.mpc *.mp+ *.iso *.ANX *.AXA *.AXV *.VOB *.PNG *.Y4M *.RM *.RAM *.RMVB *.PVA *.NSV *.OGG *.OGM *.SPX *.PNG *.MNG *.PES *.IFF *.SVX *.8SVX *.16SV *.ILBM *.PIC *.ANIM *.WAV *.VOX *.VOC *.SND *.AU *.RA *.NSF *.FLAC *.AIF *.AIFF *.AUD *.FLV *.FLI *.FLC *.AVI *.ASF *.WMV *.WMA *.ASX *.WVX *.WAX *.MKV *.VMD *.4XM *.MJPG *.CPK *.CAK *.FILM *.STR *.IKI *.IK2 *.DPS *.DAT *.XA *.XA1 *.XA2 *.XAS *.XAP *.R
 OQ *.MVE *.VQA *.MVE *.MV8 *.CIN *.WVE *.MOV *.QT *.MP4 *.TS *.M2T *.TRP *.MPG *.MPEG *.DV *.DIF *.FLAC *.MP3 *.MP2 *.MPA *.MPEGA *.AC3 *.AAC *.ASC *. *.SUB *.SRT *.SMI *.SSA *.MPV *.M4A *.MPC *.MP+ *.ISO"
+#define DEFAULT_FILTER "*.anx *.axa *.axv *.vob *.png *.y4m *.rm *.ram *.rmvb *.pva *.nsv *.ogg *.ogm *.spx *.png *.mng *.pes *.iff *.svx *.8svx *.16sv *.ilbm *.pic *.anim *.wav *.vox *.voc *.snd *.au *.ra *.nsf *.flac *.aif *.aiff *.aud *.flv *.fli *.flc *.avi *.asf *.wmv *.wma *.asx *.wvx *.wax *.mkv *.vmd *.4xm *.mjpg *.cpk *.cak *.film *.str *.iki *.ik2 *.dps *.dat *.xa *.xa1 *.xa2 *.xas *.xap *.roq *.mve *.vqa *.mve *.mv8 *.cin *.wve *.mov *.qt *.mp4 *.ts *.m2t *.trp *.mpg *.mpeg *.dv *.dif *.flac *.mp3 *.mp2 *.mpa *.mpega *.ac3 *.aac *.asc *. *.sub *.srt *.smi *.ssa *.mpv *.m4a *.m4v *.mpc *.mp+ *.iso *.ANX *.AXA *.AXV *.VOB *.PNG *.Y4M *.RM *.RAM *.RMVB *.PVA *.NSV *.OGG *.OGM *.SPX *.PNG *.MNG *.PES *.IFF *.SVX *.8SVX *.16SV *.ILBM *.PIC *.ANIM *.WAV *.VOX *.VOC *.SND *.AU *.RA *.NSF *.FLAC *.AIF *.AIFF *.AUD *.FLV *.FLI *.FLC *.AVI *.ASF *.WMV *.WMA *.ASX *.WVX *.WAX *.MKV *.VMD *.4XM *.MJPG *.CPK *.CAK *.FILM *.STR *.IKI *.IK2 *.DPS *.DAT *.XA *.XA1 *.XA2 *.XAS *.X
 AP *.ROQ *.MVE *.VQA *.MVE *.MV8 *.CIN *.WVE *.MOV *.QT *.MP4 *.TS *.M2T *.TRP *.MPG *.MPEG *.DV *.DIF *.FLAC *.MP3 *.MP2 *.MPA *.MPEGA *.AC3 *.AAC *.ASC *. *.SUB *.SRT *.SMI *.SSA *.MPV *.M4A *.M4V *.MPC *.MP+ *.ISO"
 #define DEFAULT_PLAYER_PART "xine_part"