Version: 1.4.5 (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: FreeBSD Ports OS: FreeBSD The patch by Daniel O'Connor included in Amarok's 1.4.5 release that was supposed to fix FAT file system detection on FreeBSD actually breaks it in some cases. When a FAT partition is mounted via fstab entry or mount_msdosfs, KMountPoint may report its type as "msdosfs". However, when mounting through HAL and media:/ (the officially supported method of mounting removable drives under KDE), the file system type KMountPoint is "vfat", even under FreeBSD. Thus, Daniel's patch fixes the detection of manually mounted FAT partitions but breaks the probably more common case of mounting through HAL. The attached patch fixes this behavior by flagging both "msdosfs" and "vfat" as FAT. I will submit it to the Amarok bug tracker as well.
Created attachment 19653 [details] Fix for msdosfs/vfat detection on FreeBSD
The last sentence of my bug report (I will submit it to the Amarok bug tracker as well.) made no sense of course. Copy & past... sorry about that :)
Thank you! this has been applied in svn revision 638461 and should be availible in Amaork 1.4.6 (whenever that comes).
SVN commit 638463 by mitchell: Complete FreeBSD FAT filesystem detection BUG: 141614 M +1 -1 mediadevicemanager.cpp --- branches/stable/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/mediadevicemanager.cpp #638462:638463 @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ { if ( m->fsType() == "manual" || ( !m->deviceNode().startsWith( "/dev/hd" ) && - (m->fsType() == "vfat" || m->fsType() == "hfsplus") ) ) + (m->fsType() == "vfat" || m->fsType() == "hfsplus" || m->fsType() == "msdosfs" ) ) ) // add other fsTypes that should be auto-detected here later { if ( m_mediumMap.contains( m->name() ) )