Version: 1.6.5 (using KDE 3.5.5 "release 45" , openSUSE 10.2) Compiler: Target: i586-suse-linux OS: Linux (i686) release Running openSuSE 10.2 i noticed that the "DejaVu sans mono" font does not render correctly in Konsole (it works fine in other applications such as kate). The problem is that even though i selected "DejaVu sans mono", the font used by Konsole is "Monospace". I have also noticed this behavior in the Control Center when i go to select the fixed-width font used by KDE. I think the problem is not application specific, but rather something different. That is because the if i open the fixed-width font selection dialog from any application i get that behavior (DejaVu = Monospace even in the dialog itself), however, if i open a regular font selection dialog the distinction becomes apparent. NOTE: Currently "DejaVu sans mono" is not set as KDE's default fixed-width font in my system.
Hello, I don't think that Monospace is actually a font, but requests for it are translated into an actual fixed-width font provided by the system. Can you open up a terminal, run the following commands and let me know the result: fc-match "Monospace" fc-match "DejaVu Sans Mono"
I ran these commands from the terminal and they both returned the same result: DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book" Here is what is making me suspicious: i can't seem to get that font to render correctly on KDE applications such as Konsole or Kwrite. It renders correctly in other applications such as Gnome-Terminal and Gedit. Any ideas ?
Hello, Is this bug report still valid?
Hi, Well, i am currently running 10.3 and i just checked it, the DejaVu font looks like Monospace.
> the DejaVu font looks like Monospace. Monospace is not a real font. On my computer (Ubuntu 7.10), Monospace is an alias for Deja Vu Sans Mono (ie. they are the same font) so this behaviour is expected. Have a look at the other fixed width fonts in the font selection dialog and see if any of them look like the one you are expecting.
Oh ok, that explains it. I have checked the fonts in the dialog box. There are many different ones, but i do not see something like the old Dejavu that i had. I am starting to think that it was probably just something in the settings that i had on my machine. I remember having lots of fonts installed, maybe that affected something.
Problem seems to be fixed for reporter.
Hussam, look in /etc/fonts/suse-post-user.conf and you'll see the following: <alias> <family>monospace</family> <prefer> <family>Consolas</family> <family>Andale Mono</family> <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family> <family>SUSE Sans Mono</family> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family> <family>Courier New</family> <family>Cumberland AMT</family> <family>Nimbus Mono L</family> If you have neither Andale Mono nor Consolas installed in your font paths, but do have DejaVu Sans Mono installed, your monospace font will be DejaVu Sans mono. If you'll check other distros, you'll see similar alias lists in various files in /etc/fonts/* where the first in the list is either DejaVu Sans Mono or Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. The currently developed DejaVu Sans Mono is a superset/successor to Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. If you have a preference for some other font to be your system-wide monospace, just move your choice to the top of the list.
Thanks Felix, I have checked the /etc/fonts/suse-post-user.conf file and the monospace family alias is exactly like listed above. So you're saying that if i just move <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</font> to be the first preference, that will make it the default choice system wide. Right ? Thanks for your help.