Bug 137380 - [testcase] javascript window.open strWindowName with non-latin chars cause opening of additional tab
Summary: [testcase] javascript window.open strWindowName with non-latin chars cause op...
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: khtml ecma (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
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Reported: 2006-11-15 10:48 UTC by Māris Nartišs
Modified: 2007-02-11 18:30 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Bug testcase (487 bytes, text/html)
2006-11-15 10:53 UTC, Māris Nartišs

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Description Māris Nartišs 2006-11-15 10:48:19 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.5)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

Javascript call "window.open(url,'Bār')" will open new window with 2 tabs instead of one. 
Using only latin chars in window name fixes problem.
Comment 1 Māris Nartišs 2006-11-15 10:53:31 UTC
Created attachment 18561 [details]
Bug testcase

Open testcase, click on both "Click here" sentences.
First one opens same page in new window;
Second one opens new window with empty tab and second tab with target url.

Clicking on second "click here" should act as same as first one - open new
window with target url w/o any additional tabs etc.
Comment 2 Allan Sandfeld 2006-11-19 17:10:22 UTC
It works here
Comment 3 Maksim Orlovich 2006-11-19 17:27:34 UTC
Doesn't here. Weird stuff. Locale-sensitive, may be?
Comment 4 Māris Nartišs 2007-01-02 11:11:16 UTC
I can confirm - it's locale sensitive.
Set "LC_CTYPE" to any UTF-8 locale (i.e. "en_US.UTF-8" or in my case "lv_LV.UTF-8") and You will be able to reproduce bug. Setting LC_ALL also works :)
To disable bug - set LC_ALL or LC_CTYPE to any non-UTF locale ("en_US", "POSIX").
Comment 5 Harri Porten 2007-02-11 18:30:54 UTC
Fixed in revision 632575. Konqueror was setting the part name with the local 8-bit encoding. The KHMTL part was not respecting this when searching for the name.