Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: Gentoo Packages Compiler: gcc 4.1.1 OS: Linux 1. Create an album i.e. My Albums | -Album 1 | -Album 2 2. Import images into Album2 3. Tag images in Album2 4a. Move some images from Album2 to Album1 OR 4b. Move Album2 under My Albums Tags on affected images are gone and need to be re-applied manually.
I'm using version 0.9.0_beta3... I'm not used to the bug entering wizard, thought I'd get to pick the proper fields this applied to. That thing is a pain to use.
This bug does not seem to exist with 0.9.0_beta1. However, selecting + copy (right-click) and afterwards pasting in a different album looses all tag information (and also rating/comments).
Hum, if i remember, Marcel have fixed this stuff later than 0.9.0-beta1. Please try beta3 or current implementation from svn. thanks in advance to report the current status. This problem must be fixed to 0.9.0 final. Gilles
I installed the svn version and tried to loose tags by moving albums/images around - no success ;-). So this suggests that the problem has indeed been fixed. Many thanks! Arnd
Thanks for the report, i close this file now. Gilles Caulier