Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Compiler: Ubuntu 6.06 with Kubuntu Desktop OS: Linux Problem automount usb memory flash devices in Ubuntu after upgrade to KDE 3.5.5. Ubuntu detect the device correctly but don't automount it.
stesso proplema.dopo upgrade 3.5.3 > 3.5.5 non automonta e non monta manualmente qualsiasi memoria usb . error kio media mount
From: "So if you are having problems with Kubuntu 3.5.5 and did not do the 3.5.4 update, add deb dapper main to your sources and update and you'll see libhal update appear and hopefully fix your problem."
Did not fix the problem on my machine. still the same message.
I tried this and it didn't work for me. Libhal was not updated as it was of the latest available in KDE-354 repository version. In my case, along with this problem two more appeared: some kcmshell modules started crashing when I upgraded to KDE 3.5.5. and 3-rd party kioslaves I installed, don't work anymore. I believe that there is a singular reason for all of these.
Worked for me. I hadn't done the 3.5.4 update, after adding the above mentioned line to sources.list hal and libhal got upgraded. After KDE restart CD/DVD and USB stick mounting works well.
il problema non e' hal . la chiave usb si puo' montare manualmente con il solito mount.kde 355 sbaglia probabilmente nei permessi di mount