Version: svn 558920 (using KDE KDE 3.5.3) Installed from: Slackware Packages if tags are edited & saved for a track that has been marked as played in a dynamic mode, it is unmarked. tag editing should not change track played/not status.
actually it even got slightly worse with latest revisions :) simply opening tag editor & pressing cancel unmarks the song as played. revision 560754
and it goes the other way, too. for example, if amarok is started up with some tracks unavailable to it, they are displayed in grey text. even after performing an incremental scan, they are not unmarked. these tracks are unmarked if track properties are open upon them.
fixed in r576968, verified in r576968
...that is, the first reported problem is fixed, the second one is not. should i file a separate report ?
revision 583736. a track that has been unavailable upon starting amarok still is marked as unavailable in the playlist, even after incremental collection rescan. it's slightly worse than before, invoking tag editor upon that track (and/or saving the changes) does not mark it as available anymore.
revision 589527, behaviour has changed again. file is marked as available after tag editor is invoked upon it, but not right after the incremental rescan
I can reproduce the last case. Should be easy to fix, will do it when I have some time soon.
SVN commit 590767 by mitchell: Fix files added back to collection not always getting enabled in the Playlist. BUG: 130359 M +2 -0 ChangeLog M +2 -1 src/playlistitem.cpp --- trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/ChangeLog #590766:590767 @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ * Show a proper tag dialog when viewing information for DAAP music shares. BUGFIXES: + * Files that were detected as being added back to the collection would not + always be re-enabled in the Playlist. (BR 130359) * Fix some spelling and layout issues. Part of a patch by Malcolm Parsons <>. * Correctly handle horizontal wheel events in position slider. (BR 119254) --- trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/playlistitem.cpp #590766:590767 @@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ void PlaylistItem::setFilestatusEnabled( bool enabled ) { m_filestatusEnabled = enabled; + checkExists(); setEnabled(); } @@ -672,7 +673,7 @@ } else { - const QColorGroup _cg = ( !exists() || !isEnabled() ) + const QColorGroup _cg = ( !isEnabled() ) ? listView()->palette().disabled() : listView()->palette().active();
SVN commit 590771 by mitchell: Whoops...fixed it one way, then another, and then forgot to take the first way out. Bug still fixed though. CCBUG: 130359 M +1 -1 playlistitem.cpp --- trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/playlistitem.cpp #590770:590771 @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ } else { - const QColorGroup _cg = ( !isEnabled() ) + const QColorGroup _cg = ( !exists() || !isEnabled() ) ? listView()->palette().disabled() : listView()->palette().active();
fix confirmed in revision 591215. unfortunately, found another problem in this area during testing, reported as bug 134981.