Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.2) OS: Linux kword index.docbook:543, 547, 564 - the Tab Key - entity ? or <keycap> ? index.docbook:530 index.docbook:554 - The format paragraph dialog - <gui...> tags index.docbook:588 - the print dialog. - <gui...> tags index.docbook:602 - the open dialog. - <gui...> tags index.docbook:604 - the template creation dialog. - <gui...> tags index.docbook:946 - Openoffice Presentation - Presentation index.docbook:947 - Openoffice Text Document - Text Document index.docbook:15947 - the save and load dialog boxes. - the <guilabel>Save</guilabel> and <guilabel>Load</guilabel> dialog boxes. kword_a11y a11y.docbook:183 - the <ulink url=\"help:kmag\">KMouseTool</ulink> - Shouldn't this be "help:kmousetool" ? I checked in kspread_a11y and in kpresenter_a11y, I failed to notice these oopsies there :/ In kpresenter_a11y the menu entry is: <menuchoice><guimenu>K-Button</guimenu><guimenuitem>Utilities</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Accessibility</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>KMouseTool</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. <guimenuitem>Accessibility</guimenuitem> should be removed a11y.docbook:202 - With Sticky Keys on - <gui...> tags a11y.docbook:283 - the Document Structure Area. - <gui...> tags kword_basics basics.docbook:161 - sub-menu - context menu ? popup menu ? basics.docbook:161 - right mouse click - entity ? - sub menu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_bookmarks bookmarks.docbook:49 - select <guibutton>Rename Bookmark</guibutton>. - click <guibutton>Rename Bookmark</guibutton>. kword_doccomments doccomments.docbook:32, 38 - sub menu - context menu ? popup menu ? doccomments.docbook:57 - the <guilabel>Misc</guilabel> icon. - the <guiicon>Misc</guiicon> icon. kword_doclinks doclinks.docbook:38 - selecting the <guilabel>Misc</guilabel> icon. - clicking the <guiicon>Misc</guiicon> icon. doclinks.docbook:38 - The document link dialog - <gui...> tags doclinks.docbook:45, 53, 57, 75 - sub menu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_docstruct docstruct.docbook:21 - the document structure window - the document structure area The title: Show and hide document structure area docstruct.docbook:23 - document structure window - document structure area (3x) docstruct.docbook:37 - document structure window - document structure area docstruct.docbook:53 - Within this category, is a list - Within this category is a list docstruct.docbook:80 - Within this category, is an alphabetical list - Within this category is an alphabetical list docstruct.docbook:84 - the up and down arrow keys - the right or left arrow keys. - <keycap> ? docstruct.docbook:90 - in your document structure window. - in your document structure area. kword_editing editing.docbook:302 - The Copy Command - <gui...> tags editing.docbook:327, 364, 400 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? editing.docbook:340 - The Cut Command - <gui...> tags editing.docbook:375 - The Paste Command - <gui...> tags editing.docbook:434 - The Find Command - <gui...> tags editing.docbook:690 - The Replace Command - <gui...> tags editing.docbook:692 - The replace command is an extension of the find command. If you are familiar with the find command, - The <guilabel>Replace</guilabel> command is an extension of the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> command. If you are familiar with the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> command, editing.docbook:1056 - the find command. - the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> command. editing.docbook:1308 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_footendnotes footendnotes.docbook:56, 68 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_formatchar formatchar.docbook:60 - The Basic Formatting toolbar - The <guilabel>Format</guilabel> toolbar formatchar.docbook:98 - the Character Formatting Dialog - the <guilabel>Select Font</guilabel> dialog formatchar.docbook:150 - (None), - Single, - Simple Bold, - Double or - Wave - <gui...> tags formatchar.docbook:166 - (None), - Single, - Double - Simple Bold - <gui...> tags - ore - or kword_formatframes formatframes.docbook:343 - (border left, - border right, - border top and - border bottom) - <gui...> tags - the color button - the <guibutton>Color</guibutton> button kword_formatpara formatpara.docbook:290 - Select/Unselect Left Border. - <gui...> tags formatpara.docbook:298 - Select/Unselect Right Border. - <gui...> tags formatpara.docbook:306 - Select/Unselect Top Border. - <gui...> tags formatpara.docbook:314 - Select/Unselect Bottom Border. - <gui...> tags kword_formulas formulas.docbook:53 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_frames frames.docbook:81 frames.docbook:200 frames.docbook:235 frames.docbook:262 - 8 yellow squares - 8 squares frames.docbook:312 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_graphics graphics.docbook:209, 222, 230 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_lists lists.docbook:40 - the Paragraph Formatting dialog - <gui...> tags kword_mailmerge mailmerge.docbook:440 - press the &Backspace; key. - press &Backspace; ? kword_mbtb mbtb.docbook:113 - sub-menu - context menu ? popup menu ? - Another small submenu - A small submenu mbtb.docbook:113 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? mbtb.docbook:489 - Edit Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:551 - Deletes the highlighted text from the document, and places a copy in the clipboard. Shouldn't this be the other way round? Copy to the clipboard and then remove the text? mbtb.docbook:741 - View Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:942 - Insert Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:942 - Format Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:1424 - Frames Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:1601 - Table Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:1790 - Tools Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:1932 - Settings Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2029 - Help Menu - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2038, 2040 - File Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2085, 2087 - Format Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2106 & next 4 sections - ... Button - "Button" could be removed mbtb.docbook:2119, 2121 - Insert Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2166, 2168 - Edit Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2231, 2233 - Paragraph Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2250 & next 3 sections - ... Button - "Button" could be removed mbtb.docbook:2263, 2265 - Table Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2312, 2314 - Border Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2345, 2347 - Formula Toolbar - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2392 - a Color dialog - <gui...> tags mbtb.docbook:2505 - The next two buttons are backwards and forward buttons. - The next two buttons are the back and forward buttons. - These buttons work just like an Internet browser. - These buttons work just like those in an Internet browser. - You can use the back button to travel to the previous folder, and the forward button - <gui...> tags ? mbtb.docbook:2510 & next 3 sections - Next to the arrow buttons, is a reload button. - <gui...> tags ? mbtb.docbook:2546 - If tis option is selected, - If this option is selected, mbtb.docbook:2546 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_opt opt.docbook:264 - PageUp and PageDown buttons on the keyboard, - PageUp and PageDown keys on the keyboard, - <keycap> ? kword_storeprint storeprint.docbook:149, 150 - The Save Command - <gui...> tags storeprint.docbook:218, 222 - The Save As.. Command - <gui...> tags storeprint.docbook:310 - The Open command - <gui...> tags storeprint.docbook:365 - The Print command - <gui...> tags kword_styles styles.docbook:307 - Do not change the name of your template. - Do not change the name of your text style. kword_table table.docbook:373 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? table.docbook:619 - the up and down arrows - <gui...> tags ? kword_tabstops tabstops.docbook:87 - sub menu - context menu ? popup menu ? tabstops.docbook:265 - submenu - context menu ? popup menu ? kword_tutorial tutorial.docbook:49, 59 - Click on the <guilabel>...</guilabel> icon. - Click on the <guiicon>...</guiicon> icon. tutorial.docbook:131 - text size combo box - <gui...> tags tutorial.docbook:131 - with 8 yellow squares - with 8 squares tutorial.docbook:160 - the grey square in the lower right corner of the frame. - the square in the lower right corner of the frame. ? Question: What is the difference between entities (&LMB; &RMB; &MMB;) and tags (<mousebutton>) ?
SVN commit 552699 by lueck: fixed errors found by the sharp eyes of our famous Natalie &LMB; is extended to <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button, same for &RMB; &MMB; BUG:129225 M +2 -2 kpresenter/a11y.docbook M +1 -1 kspread/a11y.docbook M +2 -2 kspread/basics.docbook M +8 -8 kword/a11y.docbook M +3 -3 kword/basics.docbook M +1 -1 kword/bookmarks.docbook M +3 -3 kword/doccomments.docbook M +6 -6 kword/doclinks.docbook M +9 -9 kword/docstruct.docbook M +12 -12 kword/editing.docbook M +2 -2 kword/footendnotes.docbook M +6 -4 kword/formatchar.docbook M +2 -1 kword/formatframes.docbook M +4 -4 kword/formatpara.docbook M +1 -1 kword/formulas.docbook M +5 -5 kword/frames.docbook M +3 -3 kword/graphics.docbook M +11 -11 kword/index.docbook M +1 -1 kword/lists.docbook M +45 -45 kword/mbtb.docbook M +1 -1 kword/opt.docbook M +6 -6 kword/storeprint.docbook M +1 -1 kword/styles.docbook M +3 -3 kword/table.docbook M +3 -3 kword/tabstops.docbook M +5 -5 kword/tutorial.docbook