Bug 128459 - User interface is incosistent in Monochrome Print Configuration and Differentiate Curves dialogs
Summary: User interface is incosistent in Monochrome Print Configuration and Different...
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.x
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Netterfield
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-06-01 20:18 UTC by Andrew Walker
Modified: 2006-06-13 05:48 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Andrew Walker 2006-06-01 20:18:16 UTC
Version:           1.2.1 (using KDE KDE 3.5.0)
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources
OS:                Linux

The datawizard and plot dialog now have consistent user interfaces for selecting and ordering items from a list. The same interface should be applied to the "Monochrome Print Configuration" and "Differentiate Curves" dialogs - as these have very similar functionality in terms of item selection, but a significantly different look to the UI.
Comment 1 Nicolas Brisset 2006-06-02 09:31:47 UTC
Just a quick note here: I think we should also standardize on a selection mode. Currently, the plot dialog does not have extended selection, while the datawizard does. As I said on the list recently, I'd slightly prefer multiple over extended, but George said he prefers extended... In any case, it would be better for all dialogs to work in the same way unless there is a compelling reason to deviate.
Comment 2 Netterfield 2006-06-10 11:21:52 UTC
SVN commit 549898 by netterfield:

CCBUG: 128459
Reordering curvedifferentiate.

 M  +223 -261  curvedifferentiate.ui  
 M  +20 -10    kstcurvedifferentiate_i.cpp  
 M  +2 -2      kstcurvedifferentiate_i.h  
Comment 3 Netterfield 2006-06-13 05:48:02 UTC
SVN commit 550898 by netterfield:

BUG: 128459

Make the various 2 select/availible UI elements more consistent.

Also, changed the accelerator from Ctrl->Right to alt-S, etc, as alt
accelerators work even when the focus is in a text widget, as in the
data wizard.

 M  +0 -8      changenptsdialog.ui  
 M  +175 -104  curvedifferentiate.ui  
 M  +13 -1     datawizard.ui  
 M  +4 -12     datawizard.ui.h  
 M  +2 -1      kst.cpp  
 M  +18 -12    kstmonochromedialog_i.cpp  
 M  +4 -4      kstmonochromedialog_i.h  
 M  +257 -223  monochromedialog.ui  
 M  +23 -8     plotdialog.ui  
 M  +8 -8      viewlegendwidget.ui  
 M  +5 -0      viewlegendwidget.ui.h