Version: 0.8.2-rc1 (using KDE 3.5.2, Gentoo) Compiler: gcc version 3.4.5 (Gentoo 3.4.5-r1, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.15-gentoo-r1new-try For 8.1 I made a nice entry in the KDE removable media deamon that starts digikam and enters the camera download dialog, showing all the pics on the card: 'digikam --download-from %u' is the command issued. With 8.2 Rc1 the download dialog is also shown but it claims that the device/path can not be found or is epmty. When I look closer I see that wiht 8.2-rc1 the device is not mounted after issueing above command whereas with 8.1 it IS mounted indeed! Has functionality been removed from the camera download function or is there a beter new way to do this???
This "functional change" is still here after 0.9.2 final. How do I have kde/digikam automatically start the digikam download dilaog upon insertion of the memory card and actually have the card mounted? ?
Oh, you already have 0.9.2 final? I need that time machine ;-) I don't know about the 0.8 series, but current 0.9.0-beta1 installs some appropriate .desktop files so that the KDE media:/ support offers a "Digikam mount and download" option in the box that pops up when you plug in your media.
The rule between digiKam camera interface and HAL KDE interface have been improved in 0.9.0-beta1 release. Please report us a fresh report using this digiKam release. Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
Arnd, I think this file can be closed, since reporter do not give fresh information using 0.9.x release. Right ? Gilles
Yes, without further input nothing can be done. Closing this bug (marking as invalid). Please re-open when you have additional information.